Chinese envoy appeals for adherence to two-state solution in Mideast peace process

Ma Zhaoxu

UNITED NATIONS, April 29 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Monday asked the international community to stick to the two-state solution in addressing the Palestinian-Israeli issue, and warned against unilateral action that escalates tension in the region.

The international community should promote the settlement of the question of Palestine with a view to establishing a fully sovereign state of Palestine based on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the capital. Any new initiative put forward should be in conformity with the parameters, said Ma Zhaoxu, China's permanent representative to the United Nations.

He called for unity of the international community in pushing for an early restart of the peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians.

The settlement construction must stop. Parties concerned should avoid any action or rhetoric that may exacerbate the situation, or any move that may undermine trust, so as to create the necessary conditions for the early resumption of dialogue, Ma told an open debate of the Security Council.

Parties that have influence in the Middle East should play a constructive role and refrain from taking any unilateral action that further escalates the tension in the region, said the Chinese ambassador.

He also asked for efforts to promote intra-Palestinian reconciliation and to actively explore new ways to facilitate peace in the Middle East so as to bring the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks out of the deadlock.

He asked the international community to pay close attention to and work to improve the economic and humanitarian situation of the Palestinians.

The question of Palestine is at the core of the Middle East issue and the fundamental question for the region. It is the common responsibility of the international community to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Palestinian people, said Ma.

"With regard to other hot-spot issues in the Middle East, it is imperative for the international community to remain committed to political settlement, facilitate dialogue and negotiations, manage the situation in a constructive manner, and accommodate the legitimate rights and interests of all parties," he added.

The Syrian Golan is internationally recognized as occupied territory and the UN Security Council has adopted several resolutions calling for Israel's withdrawal from it, said Ma. "China opposes any unilateral action to alter these facts and does not wish to see any further escalation of regional tensions."

U.S. President Donald Trump last month proclaimed the recognition of Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which Israel seized from Syria in 1967 and annexed in 1981. The move has been met with widespread international condemnation.

Development provides the fundamental guarantee for the realization of peace, said the Chinese ambassador.

In mid-April, China hosted the second China-Arab Forum on Reform and Development, and days ago, it successfully hosted the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, he said. "These events witnessed active participation by the Middle Eastern and Arab countries."

China stands ready to leverage the extensive participation in the Belt and Road Initiative to strengthen cooperation, dock their development strategies, and seek win-win results with regional countries, and to provide opportunities and platform for development in the Middle East so as to jointly build a community of shared future for mankind, said Ma.