
Brazil registers one-day record for corona deaths

BRASILIA, May 13 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Brazil registered its highest COVID-19 death toll for a single day, with 881 new deaths confirmed over the past 24 hours, the health ministry said.

Brazil, the Latin American country hit hardest in the pandemic, appears to be quickly becoming a new global flashpoint.

The total death toll from the new coronavirus has now hit 12,400 in the country, with 177,589 confirmed cases — up 9,258 from the day before.

That makes Brazil the sixth most-affected country, after the United States, Britain, Italy, France and Spain.

Pandemic politics costing lives in Brazil

12 May 2020; AFP: Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro keeps saying coronavirus fears are overblown. Other officials at the federal, state and local levels insist the danger is all too real.

Brazil is torn by a deep political divide over how to respond to the pandemic, and it is taking a heavy human toll.

On Saturday, even as the death toll in Brazil crossed the threshold of 10,000, Bolsonaro continued pressing to get the country back to work.

"The army of unemployed keeps growing," he tweeted.

Brazil's central bank to shower economy with money in case of depression: economy minister

SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazil’s Economy Minister Paulo Guedes on Saturday said the country’s central bank is likely to shower the economy with money in case of a depression due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Still, Guedes said in a live online event hosted by Itau Unibanco Holding SA (ITUB4.SA) that he sees Latin America’s biggest economy posting a “V-shaped” recovery, as its vital signs are preserved so far.

Brazil hits new daily record for cases, deaths

BRASILIA, May 7 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Brazil, one of the world’s emerging coronavirus hot spots, registered a record number of cases and deaths on Wednesday, prompting the health minister to flag the possibility of strict lockdowns in particularly hard-hit areas.

According to health ministry data, the nation registered 10,503 new confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in the last 24 hours, well above the previous record of 7,288 cases on Apr 30. Brazil also registered 615 deaths, up from the previous record of 600 on Tuesday.

Brazilian Amazon mayor pleads for world help on virus

RIO DE JANEIRO, May 6 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The mayor of Manaus, the biggest city in the Amazon rainforest region, asked world leaders Tuesday for help fighting the novel coronavirus, which has brought his city’s health system to the brink of collapse.

Manaus is the capital of the Brazilian state of Amazonas, which has been devastated by the pandemic.

Northeastern Brazil city is nation’s first to enter lockdown

SAO PAULO (AP) — The capital of tropical Maranhão state ground largely to a halt Tuesday, becoming the first major Brazilian city to enter a lockdown in the hopes of preventing the coronavirus pandemic from overwhelming the health care system of one of the country’s poorest states.

COVID-19 Cases In Brazil Top 100,000, With 7,025 Deaths

RIO DE JANEIRO, May 4 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) – The Brazilian Ministry of Health, reported on Sunday that, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country has exceeded 100,000, with 7,025 deaths.

According to the latest epidemiological data, the virus has infected 101,147 people and left 7,025 dead.

Over the last 24 hours, there have been 4,588 new confirmed cases, and 275 new deaths.

The fatality rate in Brazil is currently 6.9 percent.

Bolsonaro tells rally Brazil lockdown destroying jobs

4 May 2020; AFP: Brazil's President Jair Bolsonaro railed against the country's lockdown Sunday in a speech to thousands of anti-confinement demonstrators as the number of confirmed COVID-19 infections passed 100,000, with more than 7,000 deaths.

Bolsonaro blamed state governors for continuing the lockdown in a speech outside his presidential palace in Brasilia.

COVID-19 cases in Brazil top 100,000, with 7,025 deaths

RIO DE JANEIRO, May 3 (Xinhua) -- The Brazilian Ministry of Health reported on Sunday that the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the country has exceeded 100,000, with 7,025 deaths.

According to the latest epidemiological data, the virus has infected 101,147 people and left 7,025 dead.

Over the last 24 hours, there have been 4,588 new confirmed cases and 275 new deaths.

The fatality rate in Brazil is currently 6.9 percent.

Brazil Registers 96,559 COVID-19 Cases With 6,750 Deaths

SAO PAULO, May 3 (NNN-PRENSA LATINA) – A total of 96,559 COVID-19 cases have been reported, with 6,750 deaths as of Saturday, the health ministry reported.

In the past 24 hours, Brazil registered 4,970 more cases and 421 deaths, becoming the hardest-hit Latin American country, with the highest number of cases and deaths.

The southeast state of Sao Paulo, Brazil’s epicentre of the outbreak, reported 31,174 infections and 2,586 deaths, followed by the state of Rio de Janeiro with 10,546 infections and 971 deaths, according to the ministry.

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