
Greek politician likens Haftar to Serbian war criminal

18 Jan 2019; MEMO: A Greek opposition party leader has likened Libya’s renegade commander Khalifa Haftar to former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, a convicted war criminal.

This came after Haftar visited Athens on Friday and met with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias.

Greece ready to help Libya’s post-conflict transition: FM

ATHENS, Jan 18 (NNN-Xinhua) — Greece is ready to help Libya going forward once a solution is found to the conflict there, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias told the press following his meeting with Khalifa Haftar, commander of the east-based Libyan National Army (LNA).

The Libyan commander arrived in Athens on Thursday evening for talks with the Greek government before departing for Berlin to participate in a conference this weekend aimed at bringing to an end the long-standing conflict in the northern African country.

Greece ready to help Libya's post-conflict transition: FM

ATHENS, Jan. 17 (Xinhua) -- Greece is ready to help Libya going forward once a solution is found to the conflict there, Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias told the press here on Friday following his meeting with Khalifa Haftar, commander of the Libyan National Army (LNA).

The Libyan commander arrived in Athens on Thursday evening for talks with the Greek government before departing for Berlin to participate in a conference this weekend aimed at bringing to an end the long-standing conflict in the northern African country.

Rallies held in Greece against U.S. "imperialist military operations"

ATHENS, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- Thousands of protesters marched in the centre of Athens and Thessaloniki in northern Greece on Saturday, chanting slogans against the U.S. airstrike in Iraq which killed Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani, Greek national news agency AMNA reported.

"Get your hands off Tehran", screamed banners held by demonstrators outside the U.S. embassy in Athens.

Twelve dead, 21 rescued as migrant boat sinks off Greek island

ATHENS (Reuters) - At least twelve people drowned and 21 were rescued when their boat sank off an island in western Greece on Saturday, Greek authorities said.

Helicopters and ships were searching the area south-west of the island of Paxos for more survivors, the Greek coastguard said. Authorities said they had accounts of up to 50 people being on the vessel.

The Greek authorities said they had scrambled to the area after a distress signal from the boat which was taking on water. No further details were immediately available.

Greece, Cyprus, Israel sign EastMed gas pipeline agreement

ATHENS, Jan 3 (NNN-Xinhua) — Greece, Cyprus, and Israel signed here an intergovernmental agreement for the construction of the Eastern Mediterranean (EastMed) natural gas pipeline which is to be linking the region’s gas reserves to Greece and the rest of Europe.

The energy ministers of the three countries signed the agreement in a ceremony held at Zappeion exhibition hall in the presence of the prime ministers of Greece and Israel, Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Benjamin Netanyahu, and Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades.

Turkey’s decision to deploy troops in Libya marks a dangerous escalation – Greek PM

ATHENS, Jan 3 (NNN-CNA) — In a joint statement, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have denounced Turkey’s decision to deploy military troops in Libya.

The three Heads of State said the decision marked a dangerous escalation of the current conflict in Libya, while violating relevant United Nations resolutions, Cyprus News Agency (CNA) reported.

Greece, Cyprus, Israel sign EastMed gas pipeline agreement

ATHENS, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) -- Greece, Cyprus, and Israel signed here on Thursday an intergovernmental agreement for the construction of the Eastern Mediterranean (EastMed) natural gas pipeline which is to be linking the region's gas reserves to Greece and the rest of Europe.

The energy ministers of the three countries signed the agreement in a ceremony held at Zappeion exhibition hall in the presence of the prime ministers of Greece and Israel, Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Benjamin Netanyahu, and Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades.

Greece ‘wants a say’ in Libya peace process: PM

ATHENS/ANKARA/TRIPOLI, Dec 30 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Greece wants to be included in UN-sponsored talks in January on the Libya conflict, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said, as tensions escalate with neighbours Turkey over the issue.

Libya has become another diplomatic front for Greece and Turkey as the traditional rivals jostle over Mediterranean maritime rights and the competing camps in the North African country’s conflict.

Greece proposes World Court if maritime dialogue with Turkey fails

29 Dec 2019; MEMO: Greece’s Prime Minister said in remarks published on Sunday that if Athens and Ankara cannot solve their dispute about maritime zones in the Mediterranean they should turn to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague to settle the disagreement, reported Reuters.

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