United Kingdom

British lawmakers reject all four Brexit options in second round of unbinding vote

LONDON, April 1 (Xinhua) -- British lawmakers on Monday voted to turn down all the four proposed Brexit options on the table, the second time since Friday that none of MPs' proposed Brexit options wins clear backing in the House of Commons.

MPs voted down all the four Brexit proposals chosen by House Speaker John Bercow in a bid to break the current Brexit deadlock. The British government has until April 12 to decide how Britain will leave the European Union (EU).

Brexit stockpiling boosts production in UK

LONDON (AP) — Further evidence has emerged that British manufacturers are building up their cushions against the possibility the country crashes out of the European Union without a deal.

Financial information firm IHS Markit found that Brexit stockpiling is giving a boost to production — at least temporarily.

According to the firm, its purchasing managers index for the sector rose to a 13-month high in March to 55.1, up three points from the previous month. Anything above 50 indicates an expansion in output.

May explores idea of bringing Brexit deal back for 4th vote

LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal may not be dead after all — even though lawmakers voted to reject it for a third time Friday — the day Britain had long been scheduled to leave the European Union.

The U.K. now faces a deadline of April 12 to present the EU with a new plan, or crash out of the bloc without an agreement.

But May’s government is considering a fourth vote on her deal, bolstered by their success in narrowing margin of defeat to 58 votes on Friday from 230 votes in January...

No-deal Brexit risk increases, as PM May's deal suffers third defeat

LONDON, March 29 (Xinhua) -- British lawmakers on Friday voted to reject Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal, dealing a third blow since January to the Withdrawal Agreement, which sets out the terms of Britain's departure from the European Union (EU).


MPs voted 286 to 344 to turn down the Brexit deal. Britain now is facing a real possibility of no-deal Brexit on April 12 unless the prime minister can win a new agreement from Brussels, where EU leaders are set to meet in a summit on April 10.

UK government plans third Brexit vote Friday

28 Mar 2019; DW: The British government's plan to hold a third parliamentary vote on Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal on Friday has been approved.

House Speaker John Bercow said MPs would vote on a motion to approve the Brexit withdrawal agreement, which sets the divorce terms. Unlike the two meaningful votes already held, it will not cover the political declaration which deals with the future relationship between the UK and the European Union.

British MPs vote to change original Brexit date in law to April 12 or May 22

LONDON, March 27 (Xinhua) -- British lawmakers on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted to change original Brexit departure date in law to April 12 or May 22 as British Prime Minister Theresa May was in an 11 hour appeal to Tory MPs to back her Withdrawal Agreement.

MPs voted 441 to 105 in the House of Commons to bring the new Brexit date into law and remove the original plan for Britain to leave the European Union (EU) on March 29.

Parliament votes to consider Brexit alternatives

LONDON (AP) — British lawmakers are set to hold a series of votes on different options for Brexit in an attempt to break the country’s political deadlock.

Lawmakers voted 329-302 to take control of Parliament’s timetable from the government starting Wednesday to hold votes on alternative Brexit options.

The alternatives could include remaining in the European Union’s single market or canceling Brexit altogether.

The government promised to “engage constructively” with the process but has not committed to enacting whatever lawmakers decide.

UK PM says "no sufficient support" for 3rd Brexit vote

LONDON, March 25 (Xinhua) -- British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Monday that there is "still not sufficient support" in the House of Commons for a third vote on her Brexit deal.

She made the statement at the House of Commons as the European Commission announced that it had completed its preparations for a potential no-deal Brexit on April 12, warning that scenario was "increasingly likely."

May said that the government will oppose the amendment that would lead to a series of so-called indicative votes on alternatives to May's deal.

Theresa May fights for deal and premiership

24 Mar 2019; DW: Theresa May was battling to convince lawmakers within her Conservative Party to back her Brexit withdrawal deal on Sunday amid reports that senior ministers in her Cabinet were planning to force her resignation.

May met with senior party officials and pro-Brexit lawmakers who oppose her deal at her Chequers country retreat after inviting them to discuss a way forward. Boris Johnson, Dominic Raab, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Ian Duncan Smith were reportedly present at the meeting.

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