United Kingdom

UK’s Labour will try to topple May if Brexit deal rejected

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s opposition Labour Party ramped up the pressure on Prime Minister Theresa May Sunday, saying it will call a no-confidence vote if Parliament rejects her Brexit deal on Dec. 11.

May is battling to persuade skeptical British lawmakers to back the deal her government and the European Union reached last month. Rejecting it would leave the U.K. facing a messy, economically damaging “no-deal” Brexit on March 29.

May faces more Brexit woes after UK minister quits

LONDON (AP) — The latest minister to quit British Prime Minister Theresa May’s government because of Brexit said Saturday that the prime minister’s compromise agreement would leave Britain outnumbered and outmaneuvered in future negotiations with the European Union.

Ex-Universities and Science Minister Sam Gyimah likened the agreement to playing soccer against opponents who “are the referee and they make the rules as well.”

British government forecasts doomsday no-deal Brexit scenario

28 Nov 2018; DW: A government report says Britain risks severely damaging its economy if lawmakers fail to approve a proposed Brexit deal. Staying in the European Union would be a far better option, the UK's treasury chief argued.

The British government on Wednesday published a report that spelled out a devastating scenario for the economy if Britain leaves the European Union in March 2019 without a deal.

UK central bank warns of deep recession without Brexit deal

LONDON (AP) — Leaving the European Union without a divorce deal could plunge Britain into its deepest recession in nearly a century, with the economy shrinking 8 percent within months as unemployment and inflation soar, the Bank of England warned Wednesday.

The stark projection came the same day the government’s own economists said the country will be poorer after Brexit than if it had stayed in the EU, no matter what sort of trade deal it secures with the bloc.

Scotland's first minister says May's Brexit deal to make Scotland poorer

LONDON, Nov. 27 (Xinhua) -- Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said in Edinburgh on Tuesday that the Brexit deal agreed by British Prime Minister Theresa May and the EU leaders will make Scotland poorer.

Sturgeon, leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP), published an analysis of the impact of May's deal on the people of Scotland, saying compared to staying in the EU, it will cost every resident of Scotland thousands of dollars.

Brexit deal to cost Britain 100 billion pounds annually by 2030

LONDON, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) -- The British government's Brexit deal would cost the country 100 billion British pounds (about 128 billion U.S. dollars) per year by 2030, according to media reports on a research institute's latest estimates.

The report, produced by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) and commissioned by the People's Vote campaign, modeled different Brexit scenarios against a baseline of staying in the EU, the BBC reported early Monday.

British PM faces daunting task of getting Brexit deal through hostile parliament

LONDON, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) -- British Prime Minister Theresa May on Monday launched a two-week campaign to sell the Brexit deal, a historic agreement approved Sunday by 27 European Union (EU) leaders, to the whole country, as she is facing a daunting task in winning over a hostile House of Commons in its expected vote in December.

Brexit deal almost done, but Spain holds out over Gibraltar

LONDON (AP) — European Union diplomats were meeting Friday to finalize the draft divorce agreement between Britain and the bloc, amid a warning from Spain that it will oppose the deal if it isn’t guaranteed a say over the future of Gibraltar.

Leaders of EU nations are due to meet Sunday to sign off on the deal, which lays out the terms of Britain’s departure in March and sets up a framework for future relations. But Spain remains unsatisfied.

Ambassador surprised by anti-Russian campaign ahead of Interpol election

LONDON, November 21. /TASS/. Russian Ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko expressed bewilderment on Wednesday over anti-Russian campaign in UK media against the backdrop of the election for Interpol president.

"Impressed by anti-Russian campaign in UK media in connection with Interpol president elections. Why politicize elections in a technical organization?" the Russian ambassador asked.

Brexit may not happen if UK parliament does not approve deal with EU

LONDON, November 22. /TASS/. Brexit may not happen if the UK parliament does not approve the withdrawal agreement between the UK and the EU, Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond told ITV channel on Wednesday.

"If the deal is not approved by parliament, we will have a politically chaotic situation ... In that chaos that would ensue, there may be no Brexit," Hammond said adding that "a smooth exit from the European Union, doing this in an orderly fashion, is worth tens of billions of pounds to our economy."

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