
West accuses Sudan military of retreating from cooperation with ICC

26 August 2022; MEMO: The ambassadors of 11 Western countries and the European Union delegation in Khartoum yesterday accused the military rulers in Sudan of retreating from cooperating with the International Criminal Court (ICC) since seizing power in a coup last October, Anadolu news agency reported.

Sudan leader Burhan reshuffles army leadership

KHARTOUM, Aug 25 (Reuters) - Sudan's military leader, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, on Thursday announced a major reshuffling of the country's military leadership on Thursday, amid political and economic turmoil.

The change includes the military's land forces, operations, and supply heads as well as it's general inspector. A change to the air force leadership had been announced previously, while the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, General Mohamed Osman Alhussein, was kept in his position.

Sudan receives two planes of aid from Qatar

22 August 2022; MEMO: Two Qatari Air Force planes arrived in Sudan on Sunday, carrying an urgent relief aid shipment provided by the Qatar Fund for Development in cooperation with Qatar Charity, and in coordination with the Embassy of the State of Qatar in Khartoum, Anadolu News Agency reports, citing the official Sudanese News Agency, SUNA.

Sudan flash floods kill 75 people

16 August 2022; MEMO: The Sudanese Civil Defence Council announced, on Tuesday, the death of 75 people, the injury of 30 others, and the complete or partial collapse of thousands of homes, as a result of flooding triggered by torrential rains, Anadolu News Agency reported.

According to the Council, torrential rains have caused the total collapse of 12,551 houses, partial collapse of 20,275 houses, 33 facilities, 39 stores, 1,470 agricultural acres, 321 farms, 45 orchards and the death of 117 livestock.

Police fire tear gas on Sudanese protest as anti-military campaign enters 10th month

KHARTOUM, July 31 (Reuters) - Thousands of protesters marching towards Sudan's presidential palace were blocked by police firing tear gas, as an anti-military campaign entered its 10th month.

Protests have continued weekly since an Oct. 25 military takeover that halted a transition to democracy and plunged the country into turmoil.

Police on Sunday blocked protesters from reaching the kilometre-long road that leads to the presidential palace and chased them into nearby side streets, Reuters journalists said.

World Bank to fund $100m in food insecurity aid to Sudan through WFP

21 July 2022; MEMO: The World Bank has agreed to provide the UN's World Food Programme with $100 million for an "emergency safety net project" to address food insecurity in Sudan, it said in a statement on Thursday, Reuters reports.

The programme, whose funding comes from the European Union, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia and several other Western nations, aims to provide 2 million Sudanese with cash transfers and food.

Sudan: opposition groups reject dissolution of Sovereignty Council

07 July 2022; MEMO: The opposition coalition in Sudan has rejected the dissolution of the Sovereignty Council by army chief of staff General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan and the formation of a new government of technocrats. According to a member of the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC), Omer Al-Digiar, Al-Burhan's offer is an attempt to "consolidate military rule and circumvent the December revolution."

Sudan: Al-Burhan dismisses civilian members of Sovereignty Council

06 July 2022; MEMO: The Commander-in-Chief of Sudan's army, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, dismissed the five civilian members of the country's Sovereignty Council on Tuesday. Well-informed sources in the council confirmed to Al-Quds Al-Arabi that the civilian members received an official letter relieving them of their duties.

Sudan to dissolve Sovereign Council after new governmen: Al-Burhan

04 July 2022; MEMO: Sudan's army chief, Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan said Monday that the ruling Sovereign Council will be dissolved after the formation of a new government, Anadolu News Agency reports.

Al-Burhan said in a televised speech that the army will withdraw from the ongoing political talks and allow political and revolutionary groups to sit together to agree on the formation of a civilian government.

4 killed as thousands demand civilian rule in Sudan

30 June 2022; MEMO: Four protesters were killed in protests, Thursday, demanding the reversal of a military take-over in Sudan and a return to civilian rule, according to a local medical group, Anadolu News Agency reports.

The fatalities occurred as security forces used violence against protesters in Omdurman, the Central Committee of the Sudanese Doctors said in a statement.

It said dozens of demonstrators were also injured.

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