
China calls on US to revoke trade agreement with Taiwan

11 August 2023; AA: Expressing strong opposition to “official interaction of any form” between the US and Taiwan, China on Friday called on Washington to revoke a bilateral trade agreement with Taipei.

“The US move violates the one-China principle and the three China-US joint communiques, contravenes the US’s own commitment of maintaining only unofficial relations with Taiwan,” China’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday.

China offers deep condolences over train accident in Pakistan

BEIJING, Aug. 10 (APP): China has offered deep condolences for those who died in the train accident in Pakistan and offered condolences to the victims’ families as well as sympathy to the injured.

“We extend our deep condolences for the victims and sympathies to their families and those who have been injured,” a Chinese foreign ministry’s spokesperson said in a statement issued here.

A passenger train derailed near Nawabshah district in Sindh province on August 6, killing at least 30 people and injuring more than 100.

China's trade slumps, threatening recovery prospects

BEIJING, Aug 8 (Reuters) - China's imports and exports fell much faster than expected in July as weaker demand threatens recovery prospects in the world's second-largest economy, heightening pressure for authorities to release fresh stimulus to steady growth.

The grim trade numbers reinforce expectations that economic activity could slow further in the third quarter, with construction, manufacturing and services activity, foreign direct investment and industrial profits all weakening.

China, Philippines' dispute over grounded warship heats up

BEIJING/MANILA, Aug 8 (Reuters) - China again asked the Philippines to tow away a grounded warship - a World War Two-era vessel now used as a military outpost - from a disputed shoal on Tuesday, after Manila rejected Beijing's earlier demand.

Tensions have soared between the two neighbours over the South China Sea under Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr, with Manila pivoting back to the United States, which supports the Southeast Asian nation in its maritime disputes with China.

China tells Russia it will uphold 'impartial' position on Ukraine

BEIJING, Aug 7 (Reuters) - China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in a phone conversation on Monday that China would uphold an independent and impartial position on Ukraine as it strives to find a political settlement to the issue.

Wang's comments to Lavrov were announced in a Foreign Ministry statement on Monday that said China would be an "objective and rational voice" at any international multilateral forums and "actively promote peace talks".

China floodwater diversions to populated areas unleash wave of online anger

BEIJING, Aug 6 (Reuters) - Nearly 1 million people in China's northern Hebei province were relocated after record rains forced authorities to channel water from swollen rivers to some populated areas for storage, sparking anger online over the homes sacrificed to save Beijing.

The vast Hai River basin covers an area the size of Poland that includes Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin. Over a span of one week from late July, the region with a population totalling 110 million experienced its most serious flooding in six decades, with Hebei, particularly Baoding prefecture, the worst hit.

China, EU should conduct more institutional dialogues to promote bilateral ties: Chinese FM

BEIJING, Aug. 6 (Xinhua) -- China and the European Union (EU) should conduct more institutional dialogues to inject new and strong impetus into the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here on Sunday.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks during a phone conversation with High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.

China’s special envoy to attend intl conference on Ukraine in Jeddah

BEIJING, Aug 5 (APP): China’s special envoy Li Hui will make a visit to Jeddah to attend an international conference on Ukraine at the invitation of Saudi Arabia, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Saturday.

The meeting is reported to take place on August 5 and 6, with representatives of some 30 countries in attendance.
China is willing to work with the international community to continue to play a constructive role in promoting a political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, Wang said in a statement.

China to send special envoy to Saudi Arabia for Ukraine talks

BEIJING, Aug 4 (Reuters) - Chinese Special Envoy for Eurasian Affairs Li Hui will visit Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for international talks on the peaceful settlement of the Ukraine crisis, China's foreign ministry said on Friday.

"China is willing to work with the international community to continue to play a constructive role in promoting a political solution to the crisis in Ukraine," Wang Wenbin, a spokesperson at the Chinese ministry, said in a statement.

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