
China purchases 20 Ansat Helicopters from Russia

ZHUHAI, November 8. /TASS/. Russian Helicopters inked a contract for supply of 20 Ansat helicopters to the China Association of Emergency Medicine at the Airshow China exhibition, a spokesman of the Russian holding told reporters on Thursday.

"The Russian Helicopters holding made a contract for delivery of 20 Ansat helicopters in the interests of the Association of Emergency Medicine of the People’s Republic of China within the framework of the Airshow China international air show," he said.

With US absent, world's exporters turn attention to China

7 Nov 2018; AFP: There is a notable no-show among the dozens of national pavilions at Shanghai's massive import fair -- the United States -- a metaphor for isolationist Trump policies that attendees say are pushing them closer to China.

The China International Import Expo opened Monday with thousands of foreign companies wooing Chinese buyers with products including Italian helicopters, Canadian fur, Dominican cigars, and Japanese fresh fish.

Chinese ‘gait recognition’ tech IDs people by how they walk

BEIJING (AP) — Chinese authorities have begun deploying a new surveillance tool: “gait recognition” software that uses people’s body shapes and how they walk to identify them, even when their faces are hidden from cameras.

Already used by police on the streets of Beijing and Shanghai, “gait recognition” is part of a push across China to develop artificial-intelligence and data-driven surveillance that is raising concern about how far the technology will go.

China to continue Iran trade despite new US sanctions

Beijing, Nov 5 (AFP) China denounced new US sanctions targeting Iran's oil and financial sectors as "long-arm jurisdiction" on Monday and vowed to continue its bilateral trade with the Islamic republic.

The measures, which took effect on Monday, follow US President Donald Trump's decision to abandon a multi-nation nuclear deal with Tehran, which he said was flawed and does not adequately constrain Iran's destabilising behaviour in the Middle East.

China's imports of goods, services to exceed USD 40 trillion in 15 yrs: Xi

Beijing, Nov 5 (PTI) China's imported goods and services are set to exceed USD 40 trillion in the next 15 years, President Xi Jinping pledged Monday as he kicked off a major import fair in which India and 80 other countries are participating.

An Indian delegation led by Commerce Secretary Anup Wadhawan is taking part the first China International Import Expo inaugurated in the eastern metropolis of Shanghai.

China says willing to help Pakistan over fiscal crisis

BEIJING (AP) — Close ally China said Saturday it was willing to offer assistance to Pakistan to help it weather its current fiscal woes but that terms of such aid are still being discussed.

That followed a meeting in Beijing between Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and Pakistan’s newly elected Prime Minister Imran Khan, who met the previous day with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Pakistan’s growing fiscal crisis has raised questions about its ability to repay Chinese loans granted as part of Beiing’s “Belt and Road” infrastructure initiative.

China: Over 57,000 arrested in gang crackdown from Jan.-Sept.

BEIJING, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) -- Chinese procuratorates have approved the arrest of over 57,000 people suspected of gang crimes in some 17,000 cases in the first nine months this year, the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) said Tuesday.

Meanwhile, more than 200 people were arrested for sheltering criminal organizations by concealing their crimes or shielding them from punishment, the SPP said.

Of those arrested for gang crimes, over 32,000 have been prosecuted, according to the SPP.

China opposes U.S. unilateral sanctions against Chinese firm

BEIJING, Oct. 30 (Xinhua) -- China's Commerce Ministry late Tuesday expressed opposition to the U.S. imposition of unilateral sanctions against a Chinese firm, urging the country to immediately stop its wrong practice.

The statement was made after the U.S. Department of Commerce on Monday decided to restrict exports to China's Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit Company by adding it to the "Entity List."

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