
French DM urges Turkey to stop offensive in northeast Syria

PARIS, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- French Defense Minister Florence Parly on Wednesday urged Turkey to stop its military operation against the Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria.

"The Turkish offensive in northeastern Syria is dangerous. Dangerous for the security of the Kurds. Dangerous because it benefits Daesh (IS, Islamic State group) against whom we have been fighting for 5 years," Parly tweeted.

"It must stop," she said.

The minister said France had called for a United Nations Security Council meeting on the situation, which will be held on Thursday.

France's Macron met spokeswoman of Kurdish-led Syria SDF forces

PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron met on Tuesday with Jihane Ahmed, the spokeswoman for the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), to express France’s solidarity with them in their fight against Islamic State in the region, said Macron’s office.

The meeting was also an opportunity to reiterate that France remains “very worried” about the prospect of a Turkish military operation in Syria, added Macron’s office on Wednesday.

France needs 'society of vigilance' against Islamist 'Hydra': Macron

PARIS (Reuters) - France must develop a “society of vigilance” in its fight against the “Hydra” of Islamist militancy, President Emmanuel Macron said on Tuesday, as he paid homage to the victims of a deadly knife attack at the headquarters of the Paris police.

The assailant, an IT worker at the premises, killed three police officers and an administrative worker with a knife last week, before being shot dead by police.

French PM open to idea of quotas for migrants

PARIS, Oct 8 (NNN-AGENCIES) — French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said he was not opposed to introducing quotas for migrants, part of an effort by his government to heed voters’ concerns about immigration that are being seized upon by political rivals.

The government, closely allied to President Emmanuel Macron, is walking a political tightrope because it is under pressure too from its own supporters who opposed any measures they view as pandering to the far-right.

Climate activists occupy Paris mall as global Extinction Rebellion protests begin

6 October 2019; AFP: Hundreds of climate activists barricaded themselves into a Paris shopping centre on Saturday as security forces tried to remove them, ahead of a planned series of protests around the world by the Extinction Rebellion movement.

Campaigners faced off against police and some inconvenienced shoppers as they occupied part of the Italie 2 mall in southeast Paris.

Paralysed man walks again with brain-controlled exoskeleton

4 October 2019; AFP: A French man paralysed in a night club accident can walk again thanks to a brain-controlled exoskeleton in what scientists say is a breakthrough providing hope to tetraplegics seeking to regain movement.

The patient trained for months, harnessing his brain signals to control a computer-simulated avatar to perform basic movements before using the robot device to walk.

Motive sought for deadly stabbing spree at Paris police HQ

4 October 2019; AFP: Investigators combed an IT staffer's computer Friday for clues to his motive for stabbing four colleagues to death at police headquarters in Paris, as his wife said he had been "agitated" before going on the rampage with a kitchen knife.

The 45-year-old computer expert killed three men and a woman -- three police officers and an administrative worker -- in a frenzied 30-minute attack that ended when he was shot dead.

Four Police Officers Killed, Five Wounded In Paris Knife Attack

PARIS, Oct 4 (NNN-XINHUA) – Four police officers were killed and five others wounded, in a knife attack at Paris police headquarters on Thursday afternoon.

The assailant, identified as an administration worker in the intelligence unit, stabbed to death four of his colleagues, inside the police prefecture after 12 noon local time, Loic Travers, local head of the Alliance police union, said.

Knife attacker shot dead after wounding two at Paris police HQ: sources

3 October 2019; AFP: A man employed at police headquarters in the heart of Paris was shot dead Thursday after wounding at least two people with a knife at the building, sources told AFP.

The premises were cordoned off after the lunchtime attack in the historic centre of Paris, usually thronged with tourists, and a dozen emergency vehicles were at the scene, AFP journalists reported.

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