
100-year-old German woman elected to town council

28 May 2019; DW: Centenarian Lisel Heise has secured a spot on the town council in a small village in western Germany. A passionate swimmer, she decided to stand for election in part to reopen the local swimming pool.

It's never too late to get into politics.

Lisel Heise, a 100-year-old former teacher, has been elected to the town council in Kirchheimbolanden, a town of 8,000 residents in the western German state of Rhineland-Palatinate. 

INF treaty can be saved, political will needed for that, NATO chief says

BERLIN, May 26. /TASS/: Political will is needed to rescue the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said in an interview with Welt Am Sonntag newspaper published on Sunday.

"There is less and less time left, but it is still not late, the treaty can be saved," Stoltenberg said. "In 1987 Moscow showed that it can destroy cruise missiles within several weeks," he noted.

Israeli president shocked by German skullcap warning

BERLIN (AP) — Israel’s president said Sunday he is shocked by a German official’s comment that he wouldn’t advise Jews to wear skullcaps in parts of the country, which is drawing mixed reactions at home.

Felix Klein, the government’s anti-Semitism commissioner, was quoted Saturday as saying: “I cannot recommend to Jews that they wear the skullcap at all times everywhere in Germany.” He didn’t elaborate on what places and times might be risky.

Counterprotesters outnumber far-right at Dortmund rally

26 May 2019; DW: Police imposed strict conditions on a march by a far-right party contesting the EU elections, amid concerns over anti-Semitism. Counterprotesters outnumbered participants in the extremist political group's rally.

A rally by "Die Rechte" (The Right) in the western German city of Dortmund was met with a counterprotest on Saturday, as people took to the streets to voice their disdain with the far-right party.

Russia must free detained Ukrainian ships, sailors, UN court rules

26 May 2019; DW: The 24 Ukrainian sailors in Russian custody need to be immediately released, a UN maritime court has ruled. Ukraine's president said Moscow could show its readiness to end the Crimea conflict by releasing the sailors.

The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on Saturday declared that the Ukrainian sailors detained by Russian authorities must be released with immediate effect.

German official warns Jews against wearing kippahs in public

26 May 2019; DW: Anti-Semitic attacks in Germany have surged in the past few years. Last year, an attack on two men wearing yarmulkes — also known as kippahs — on a street in Berlin caused widespread outrage in in the country.

The German government's anti-Semitism commissioner on Saturday warned the country's Jewish community to avoid donning yarmulkes, the traditional Jewish head coverings for males, in some public spaces due to a rise in anti-Semitic crimes.

Two children born in Germany after uterus transplant

24 May 2019; DW: This year, two children were born at the University Women's Hospital in Tübingen whose mothers had previously received a uterus transplant. The doctors involved are thrilled.

It was a "wonderful event," said Diethelm Wallwiener, the medical director of the University Women's Hospital in Tübingen. In March and May of this year, two healthy children were born at the hospital whose mothers had transplanted uteruses.

Senior German diplomat in Tehran for nuclear deal talks

BERLIN (AP) — A senior German diplomat headed Thursday to Tehran to press Iran to continue to respect the landmark nuclear deal, despite the unilateral withdrawal of the U.S. and increasing pressure from Washington.

Tensions have soared in the Mideast recently as the White House earlier this month sent an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers to the region over a still-unexplained threat it perceived from Iran.

Bosch pays 90-million-euro fine over diesel scandal

23 May 2019; DW: The penalty may be significantly less than the ones handed out to Volkswagen, Audi and Porsche, but auto parts supplier Bosch has become the latest big-name casualty of the "Dieselgate" scandal.

German auto parts supplier Bosch was on Thursday ordered by prosecutors to pay a fine of €90 million ($100 million) over its role supplying components in the "dieselgate" emissions cheating scandal. 

Germany to mediate in Iran

23 May 2019; DW: The German government is to send a high-level diplomat to Tehran as tensions between the US and Iran intensify, threatening a prolonged conflict.

The policy director of Germany's Foreign Ministry, Jens Plötner, is heading to Iran on Thursday, according to report in German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ).

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