
100Kg World War II bomb defused in Berlin

15 June 2019; DW: An unexploded 100-kilogram (220-pound) bomb from World War II was unearthed at a construction site near Berlin's Alexanderplatz and later defused, police said on Twitter in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Police said there were "unexpected technical problems" but that they were "quickly taken care of."

Authorities had closed off an area within a 300-meter (1,000-foot) radius of the bomb as it was being defused but said only part of the area needed to be evacuated.

5G auction in Germany raises €6.5 billion from four telcoms

13 June 2019; DW: The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) announced the results on Wednesday after a record 497 rounds of bidding for the 41 blocks of spectrum on offer in the 2 GHz and 3.6 GHz bands that will allow faster data transfers.

5G will be used to upgrade networks so they can run the internet of things with connected factories, cities and autonomous driving.

About 20 people injured in thunderstorms in eastern Germany

BERLIN (AP) — Authorities say that about 20 people have been injured in eastern Germany by gusty winds and thunderstorms.

German news agency dpa reported Thursday eight people were injured Wednesday night at an outdoor wedding party when a tree branch crashed onto them in Blankensee in the northeastern state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.

In Berlin, 11 people were injured when a tree fell on a group celebrating outside and an unknown number of passengers in a convertible were also injured by a falling tree.

Neo-Nazi pamphlets target Cologne area hit by racist nail bomb

8 June 2019; DW: Fifteen years after neo-Nazis bombed a Turkish neighborhood in Cologne, a new group is spreading hateful propaganda in the area. The home-delivered pamphlets warn of imminent attacks.

An alt-right group has distributed neo-Nazi pamphlets in the city of Cologne ahead of the 15th anniversary of an anti-Turkish nail bomb attack, police said Friday.

Germany: 40 kids sexually abused each day

7 June 2019; DW: German criminal statistics for the year 2018 were released on Thursday, and police say they paint a very dark picture.

According to the report, 136 children were violently killed in 2018 — with 80% of victims under the age of 6. Another 98 children were also the victims of attempted killings.

The number of children sexually abused last year rose 6.43% from 2017, to a staggering 14,600 cases — an average of 40 each day.   

Kids in Germany called on to name exoplanet, star

7 June 2019; DW: Children at German schools and kindergartens have been asked to think of possible names for an exoplanet and its star in the Camelopardis (Giraffe) constellation as part of celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the International Astronomical Union.

A jury will choose five suggestions from the children and amateur astronomy groups, and these proposals will then be voted on from October 10 to November 10 in an online poll in which everyone in Germany can participate.

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