
Germany approves stripping dual national terrorist of citizenship

3 Apr 2019; DW: Germans with dual nationality who join foreign terrorist militias will lose their citizenship in the future, the cabinet decided on Wednesday.

"Someone who goes abroad and actually participates in combat operations for a terrorist militia shows that they have turned their back on Germany and its basic values and turned to another foreign power in the form of a terrorist militia," the federal government said in a statement.

Germany, France to launch multilateralism alliance

3 Apr 2019; DW: Germany and France announced on Tuesday the creation of an "Alliance of Multilateralism" to promote global cooperation at a time of rising nationalism and isolationism.

The initiative will officially launch in September at the United Nations General Assembly, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and his French counterpart, Jean-Yves Le Drian, said at a joint press conference.

Anti-Muslim attacks in Germany down in 2018

1 Apr 2019; DW: German authorities registered a significant drop in attacks on Muslims and mosques in 2018 compared to the previous year. That's according to Interior Ministry data quoted by the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung Tuesday. 

A total of 813 incidents were recorded last year, down from 950 Islamophobic crimes in 2017.

Russian millionaire killed in Frankfurt plane crash

31 Mar 2019; DW: A pilot and two passengers believed to be Russian nationals have been killed in a small plane crash in western Germany.

Russia's S7 Airlines identified one of the victims as its co-owner, Natalia Fileva.

"The cause of the tragedy is not yet known," the company said in a statement.

The 55-year-old was listed in 2018 by Forbes magazine as the fourth richest women in Russia with an estimated fortune of $660 million (€534 million).

World's largest industrial show opens in Hanover

HANOVER, Germany, March 31 (Xinhua) -- The Hannover Messe, the world's largest industrial show, opened here on Sunday evening with the highlights of 5G network and artificial intelligence (AI).

With the total of 6500 exhibitors from 75 countries and regions, the Hanover Fair will show the latest development of technologies for industrial use, including 5G network, artificial intelligence, light-weighted manufacturing, among others.

Man catches WWII hand grenade while fishing

A 27-year-old German man reeled in a French hand grenade from World War II while he was fishing in the northern German town of Emden on Friday, local police said.

The man was fishing on a bridge in Emden when the incident happened, police said. He said he was using "normal fishing tackle with a hook."

"Instead of a pike, it was a grenade," a police spokeswoman said on Saturday.

Police closed off the area around where he was fishing and the device was handed over to the explosive ordnance disposal service.

Merkel presents peace prize to Jordanian King Abdullah

29 Mar 2019; DW: Jordanian King Abdullah II received the "Lamp of Peace of Saint Francis" at a ceremony in the Italian city of Assisi on Friday. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as last year's recipient, presented the monarch with the award. 

Abdullah has been given the Catholic award for promoting human rights, interfaith dialogue and Middle East peace, and for taking in Syrian refugees fleeing the conflict in their country.

Promoting interfaith harmony

Palestinian activist Rasmea Odeh forced to leave Germany

29 Mar 2019; DW: The controversial Palestinian activist Rasmea Odeh was ordered to leave Germany on Friday after losing an urgent appeal to have a previous decision revoking her visa overturned.

The decision from Berlin's Foreign Nationals Office to withdraw Odeh's visa on the grounds it would threaten public order was upheld by the Berlin Higher Administrative Court.  

German space scientists will pay you €16,500 to lie in bed for 60 days

28 Mar 2019; DW: German space scientists are offering volunteers €16,500 ($18,500) to lie in bed for 60 days to test the negative effects of weightlessness on the human body.

The long-term bed-rest study, aimed at understanding the impact of microgravity on astronauts during extended space travel to the moon and Mars, involves 12 men and 12 women remaining in bed for two months at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Cologne.

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