Trump uses Israel to fuel partisan fires

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s encouragement and support of Israel’s decision to ban two Democratic lawmakers may play well to his political base, but it could endanger the foundations of the U.S.-Israel relationship in the longer term.

The move to bar Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota from Israel fueled a partisan fire over the Jewish state that has been raging in the United States, with Trump eagerly fanning the flames.

Trump's stance on Hong Kong shows his focus on China trade

WASHINGTON (AP) — Rather than speak up strongly for the Hong Kong protesters, President Donald Trump on Thursday suggested the answer to their complaints of Chinese oppression is simply for Beijing’s “great leader,” Xi Jinping, to meet with them and peacefully sort out the unrest that has been decades in the making.

Autopsy: Man killed by police was shot 3 times in back

DENVER (AP) — A black man was running from Colorado police officers when they shot him three times in the back and he collapsed on a street, according to footage from cameras worn by police and an autopsy report released Thursday.

The Colorado Springs Police Department released the video nearly two weeks after the death of 19-year-old De’Von Bailey, following calls from his family for the footage to be made public.

Attorneys for Bailey’s family separately released the autopsy report by the El Paso County coroner’s office.

Coroner: Gunman had drugs in system during firefight

CINCINNATI (AP) — The gunman in Dayton who killed nine people had cocaine, an antidepressant and alcohol in his system during the mass shooting, and was cut down by a barrage of at least two dozen police bullets that penetrated gaps in his body armor, a coroner said Thursday.

Montgomery County coroner Dr. Kent Harshbarger said authorities found a pipe device and a baggie of cocaine on 24-year-old Connor Betts. Harshbarger also reported in his preliminary autopsy findings that Betts had more than 50 entry and exit wounds.

Drugs, weapons convictions in Philly shooting suspect’s past

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The criminal history of a man suspected of barricading himself inside a Philadelphia rowhome should have prevented him from legally owning the firepower he used Wednesday to wound six police officers in a standoff that carried deep into the night, authorities said.

Maurice Hill, who authorities say had at least a semi-automatic rifle and a handgun when he opened fire on officers serving a drug warrant, has on his record multiple arrests in Philadelphia and adjacent Delaware County between 2001 and 2012, according to online records.

Trump ties US success to 2nd term: ‘You have to vote for me’

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — President Donald Trump on Thursday sought to reassure his supporters about the state of the U.S. economy despite the stock market volatility and told rallygoers in New Hampshire, a state that he hopes to capture in 2020, that their financial security depends on his reelection.

“Whether you love me or hate me you have to vote for me,” Trump said.

Claims: Migrant kids split at border harmed in foster care

SANTA ANA, California (AP) — This story is part of an ongoing joint investigation between The Associated Press and the PBS series FRONTLINE on the treatment of migrant children.


After local Guatemalan officials burned down an environmental activist’s home, he decided to leave his village behind and flee to the United States, hoping he’d be granted asylum and his little boy, whose heart was failing, would receive lifesaving medical care.

UN Security Council to discuss Kashmir on Friday

United Nations Security Council is to discuss India’s decision to revoke the special status of Jammu and Kashmir on Friday.

Request was made by Pakistan and backed by China asking for the body to meet behind closed doors on Thursday or Friday, diplomats said.

France, however, proposed that the discussion should be in a less formal manner - known as “any other business”.

UNSC expected to hold closed meeting on Friday to discuss India’s action in occupied Kashmir

UNITED NATIONS, Aug 15 (APP): The UN Security Council is expected to meet behind-closed-doors on Friday to take up Pakistan’s request for the 15-member body to deal with the grave situation in Indian occupied arising from New Delhi’s decision to abolish the special status of the disputed region that have heightened tensions between the two South Asian neighbours.

US asks Gibraltar to halt release of Iranian tanker

15 August 2019; DW: Media in Gibraltar report that the US Department of Justice has requested a halt to the release of Grace 1, an Iranian tanker held on suspicion of shipping oil to Syria. The United States submitted a list of allegations.

The United States requested that Gibraltar halt the release of a detained Iranian tanker on Thursday and turn the vessel over to US officials.

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