United Kingdom

UK: Europe-led mission will protect vital shipping in Gulf

LONDON (AP) — Britain announced plans Monday to develop and deploy a Europe-led “maritime protection mission” to safeguard shipping in the vital Strait of Hormuz in light of Iran’s seizure of a British-flagged tanker in the waterway last week.

Briefing Parliament on the budding crisis, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt accused Iran of “an act of state piracy” that must be met with a coordinated international reaction.

A tiny, unrepresentative electorate picks UK’s new leader

LONDON (AP) — Britain’s next prime minister will govern a nation of 66 million people, but only 0.25% of them had a say in the choice.

Either Boris Johnson or Jeremy Hunt will be announced Tuesday as the winner of a contest to lead the governing Conservative Party. After a formal handover of power, the victor will become prime minister the next day.

A look at how the process works:


New audio shows UK could not prevent Iran takeover of tanker

LONDON (AP) — The release Sunday of an audio recording has shed new light on the seizure of a British-flagged tanker at the hands of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard as tensions flare in the strategic Strait of Hormuz.

The audio released by maritime security risk firm Dryad Global shows that a British frigate was too far away from the targeted tanker to keep it from being diverted into an Iranian port despite U.K. efforts to keep it from being boarded.

Johnson bracing to become Britain's Brexit PM

21 July 2019; AFP: Boris Johnson is expected to become Britain's next prime minister this week, vowing to deliver Brexit on October 31 come what may, in the face of fierce opposition in parliament.

The former London mayor is the runaway favourite to win the governing Conservative Party's leadership contest and replace Prime Minister Theresa May on Wednesday.

UK pro-EU campaigners hold 'No to Boris' march in London

21 July 2019; DW: Anti-Brexit campaigners have marched through central London in a show of opposition to Britain's exit from the EU. Among the attractions was a giant balloon effigy of Britain's likely next prime minister, Boris Johnson.

Thousands of people gathered in London on Saturday in a show of defiance to Brexit just days ahead of the selection of Britain's next prime minister.

UK reaffirms desire to de-escalate with Iran, says Foreign Secretary Hunt

LONDON, July 20 (Xinhua) -- UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt confirmed on Saturday that British tanker Stena Impero has been seized by Iran "in clear contravention of international law", but reaffirmed his country's desire to de-escalate.

He made the remarks on his Twitter account after government emergency committee met on Saturday afternoon, discussing on how to secure the safety of UK and international shipping in the Strait of Hormuz.

Hunt added that the UK Parliament will be updated on Monday.

British Airways, Lufthansa suspend Cairo flights

LONDON (AP) — British Airways and Lufthansa both said Saturday they were suspending flights to Cairo for unspecified reasons related to safety and security.

The British carrier said it was canceling flights to the Egyptian capital for a week. The German airline said normal operations would resume Sunday.

Both carriers delivered two-sentence statements via email.

British Airways attributed its cancellations to what it called its constant review of security arrangements at all airports, calling them “a precaution to allow for further assessment.”

Mesdar tanker allowed to continue voyage after being briefly detained by Iran

LONDON, July 20. /TASS/: Birtish transport company Norbulk Shipping UK has confirmed that the Liberian registered tanker Mesdar was allowed to continue its voyage after being "boarded by armed personnel" when crossing through the Strait of Hormuz.

Iranian news agency Tasnim earlier reported that Mesdar was allowed to continue its voyage after receiving warnings over security and water pollution.

Britain says to seek diplomatic way but warns of consequences after Iran's tanker seizure

LONDON, July 20 (Xinhua) -- British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt warned late Friday that serious consequences would ensue if Iran's seizure of a British-operated oil tanker is not resolved quickly.

Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps on Friday seized the oil tanker Stena Impero in the Strait of Hormuz, saying that "the British vessel was captured for failing to respect the international maritime rules while passing through the Strait of Hormuz."

Iran’s seizure of UK tanker in Gulf seen as escalation

LONDON (AP) — Iran seized a British-flagged oil tanker Friday and briefly detained a second vessel in the Strait of Hormuz, intensifying tensions in the strategic waterway that has become a flashpoint between Tehran and the West.

The seizing of the British tanker marked perhaps the most significant escalation since tensions between Iran and the West began rising in May. At that time, the U.S. announced it was dispatching an aircraft carrier and additional troops to the Middle East, citing unspecified threats posed by Iran.

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