Human Rights

Nukes threaten global peace: German FM

3 Apr 2019; DW: German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, who led his second meeting as head of the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday, told representatives that "world peace is threatened by nuclear weapons."

Speaking in New York, he said that the ultimate goal of ridding the world of nuclear weapons was a "difficult topic," but added that this is exactly why it is important that the Security Council address it. The body has not dealt with the issue since 2012.

Germany, France to launch multilateralism alliance

3 Apr 2019; DW: Germany and France announced on Tuesday the creation of an "Alliance of Multilateralism" to promote global cooperation at a time of rising nationalism and isolationism.

The initiative will officially launch in September at the United Nations General Assembly, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and his French counterpart, Jean-Yves Le Drian, said at a joint press conference.

Kashmir: Omar welcomes Cong's poll promise to amend AFSPA

Srinagar, Apr 2 (PTI) National Conference vice-president Omar Abdullah Tuesday welcomed the Congress party's promise to amend the Armed Forces Special Powers Act if voted to power in the general elections.

"If the Congress has mentioned this in their manifesto, I welcome it. It is better late than never. If they had done this before 2014 (polls), we would have worked to lift ASFPA from certain parts of the state," said Omar Abdullah.

Turkish body builds tent city in cyclone-hit Mozambique

BEIRA, 2 Apr 2019; AA: Turkey's state-run relief agency set up a tent city for people in Mozambique, hit hard by last month’s deadly tropical Cyclone Idai.

The Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) built the tent city with the support of other agencies, including National Medical Search Team (UMKE) and Search and Rescue Association (AKUT) as well as the charity group Turkiye Diyanet Foundation in the Tica town near the central Beira city.

Anti-Muslim attacks in Germany down in 2018

1 Apr 2019; DW: German authorities registered a significant drop in attacks on Muslims and mosques in 2018 compared to the previous year. That's according to Interior Ministry data quoted by the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung Tuesday. 

A total of 813 incidents were recorded last year, down from 950 Islamophobic crimes in 2017.

Aussie PM rules out rescuing IS fighters' children

CANBERRA, April 2 (Xinhua) -- Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has ruled out risking Australian lives to bring the children of Islamic State (IS) fighters stranded in Syria back to Australia.

Responding to reports that three children of Khaled Sharrouf, an Australian who left the country in 2013 to fight for IS in Syria, have been found stranded in a Syrian refugee camp, Morrison said that any operation to return the children to the family in Australia would be too risky.

Arab League summit ends with call for Palestinian state

TUNIS, March 31 (Xinhua) -- The 30th edition of Arab League (AL) Summit ended on Sunday evening, calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state and reiterating its strong support for two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"It is unacceptable to continue the current situation that has turned the Arab world into a region of tensions and conflicts which threaten the security, stability and development of our countries," said Tunisian Foreign Minister Khemaies Jhinaoui, outlining the final statement of the summit.

Arab leaders reject U.S. decision to recognize Israeli sovereignty over Golan

TUNIS, April 1 (Xinhua) -- Arab leaders strongly rejected the U.S. decision to recognize the Golan Heights as Israeli territory at the 30th Arab League (AL) summit in the Tunisian capital Tunis on Sunday.

They said in a statement that Arab states would submit a draft resolution to the UN Security Council and seek an opinion from the International Court of Justice "on the illegality and invalidity of the American recognition," according to a Reuters report.

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