Human Rights

Trump's Golan proclamation gathers international condemnation

27 Mar 2019; DW: The international community has voiced collective outrage over US President Donald Trump's decision to sign a proclamation affirming US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the disputed Golan Heights on Monday.

The Tuesday reactions came from all corners of the world, uniting US adversaries and allies alike.

Austria's whitist leader denies link to Christchurch terrorist

27 Mar 2019; DW: The alleged shooter in Christchurch donated money to the far-right Identitarian movement in early 2018. The movement, which repeated messages in the killer's so-called manifesto, has denied any link.

An Austrian far-right political group denied links to the alleged Christchurch terrorist after it emerged he donated money to the group.

EU 'to suspend ship patrols' on Mediterranean migrant mission

27 Mar 2019; DW: The European Union's mission "Sophia" to curtail migrant smugglers in the Mediterranean will no longer deploy naval ships, in a decision aimed at resolving a dispute with Italy over where rescued asylum-seekers disembark.

Negotiations in Brussels on Tuesday resulted in the operation being granted another six-month mission without the two remaining navy ships in service but with strengthened air surveillance instead, according to news agencies citing unnamed EU sources.

Two-state solution fundamental to resolving Palestinian-Israeli conflict: Chinese envoy

UNITED NATIONS, March 26 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese UN envoy said Tuesday China wishes to stress once again that a two-state solution is the fundamental solution to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and any new initiative should contribute to the realization of the two-state solution.

At present, the international consensus on taking forward the Middle East peace process is faced with challenges, while the efforts to facilitate Palestinian-Israeli peace talks have shown no sign of progress, said Wu Haitao, China's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations.

India: Ishrat Jahan case: CBI allowed to file reply on ex-cops' plea

Ahmedabad, Mar 26; PTI/GANASHAKTI: A special CBI court Tuesday allowed the CBI to file its reply on applications moved by former police officers D G Vanzara and N K Amin to drop proceedings against them in the 2004 Ishrat Jahan alleged fake encounter case.

The applications were moved by the two retired police officials on Tuesday.

The court of special CBI judge J K Pandya allowed CBI lawyer R C Kodekar to seek the view of the "higher authority" in the investigating agency, as requested by Pandya, and submit its reply on April 3 on the applications.

Mexico asks Pope Francis and Spanish king to apologize for colonialism

26 Mar 2019; DW: Spanish King Felipe VI and Pope Francis should apologize for the 16th-century conquest of Mexico, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said Monday.

The populist leftist Mexican president has sought to cast himself as a champion of Mexico's indigenous peoples and until now, he had cultivated cordial relations with both Spain and the Vatican.

Obrador seeks 'historic reconciliation'

Recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights doesn’t change Moscow’s stance

MOSCOW, March 25. /TASS/. The signing of a proclamation recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights by US President Donald Trump does not change Russia’s official stance on the issue, Russian Presidential Envoy for the Middle East and Africa and Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov told TASS on Monday.

"Nothing has changed, either before or after. Our principled stance and assessments have been provided on the Russian Foreign Ministry’s website," he stressed.

Damascus slams Trump’s decision on Golan Heights as attack on Syria’s sovereignty

MOSCOW, March 25. /TASS/. Damascus believes that US President Donald Trump’s move to sign a proclamation recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights is a blatant attack on Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported, citing a source in the country’s Foreign Ministry.

"The US President has recognized the Zionist occupation of Syria’s Golan Heights, attacking Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity," the source said.

US House of Representatives approves bill on countering Russia’s energy influence

WASHINGTON, March 26. /TASS/. The House of Representatives of the US Congress voted on Monday for the bill on assisting Central and Eastern European countries to diversify energy supplies sources for countering Russia’s influence, with 391 and 24 congressmen voting for and against the bill, respectively. A live broadcast of the voting was provided by the C-SPAN TV channel.

The bill must be passed by the Senate and then be signed by the President to become law.

UN chief calls for elimination of racial discrimination

UNITED NATIONS, March 25 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday urged the international community to renew its promise to end racial discrimination.

In his remarks at an event to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Guterres said that it is time to "renew our promise to end racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, including social and ethnic discrimination, anti-Muslim hatred and anti-Semitism."

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