
One person injured during gas canister explosion at a wharf in Vladivostok

VLADIVOSTOK, May 12. /TASS/: An gas canister exploded Tuesday at the Vostochnaya Verf shipyard in Vladivostok. According to shipyard head Oleg Sidenko, one person was injured, a medical treatment has already been provided to them.

"An explosion of a gas canister happened. None of shipyard’s contracts were damaged, the incident happened outdoors. One person was burned, they have received medical aid," Sidenko said, adding that an investigation is underway.

Distribution coefficient of coronavirus in Russia on average 1 - Golikova

MOSCOW, May 11. / TASS /: The prevalence rate of coronavirus infection in Russia is on average 1, but varies greatly from region to region, said Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova on Monday.

"Today, on May 11, in Russia the infection spread coefficient is equal to one on average, in the subjects, of course, it varies greatly," she said at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sanitary and epidemiological situation in Russia.

Russians considers it right to allow walks and sports starting May 12 - poll

MOSCOW, May 11. / TASS /: About 65-66% of Russians consider the permission for walks as the most justified measure related to the phased removal of restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to the anti-coronavirus crisis center data released on Monday.

Starting May 12, a number of Russian regions will begin to phase out the restrictions associated with the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection.

Ministry greenlights opening of first car bridge between Russia and China

MOSCOW, May 12. /TASS/: Russia’s Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities greenlighted opening the first car bridge between Russia and China, built across the border river of Amur, between the cities of Blagoveshchensk and Heihe, Ministry for the Development of Russian Far East told TASS.

The construction began in 2016 and was finished in December, 2019.

Five people killed in fire in intensive care unit at St. Petersburg hospital

MOSCOW, May 12. /TASS/: Five people have been killed in a fire that took place at St. George Hospital in St. Petersburg, a source in the emergency services informed TASS on Tuesday.

"Five patients put on artificial ventilation machines were killed in the fire," the source said.

The fire has been contained. "Its area reached 10 square meters," the Russian Emergencies Ministry’s press service informed TASS. The press service confirmed that there are casualties, but did not provide the exact number of people killed. "150 people have been evacuated," the press service added.

Global commercial fishing falls 6.5% to end-April due to coronavirus

LONDON (Reuters) - Global commercial fishing activity for 2020 fell by around 1 million hours as of end-April, a 6.5% decline over the two previous years, the result of plummeting demand caused by coronavirus lockdowns, according to Global Fishing Watch.

Fishing fleets spent 14.4 million hours on the water for the year so far to April 28, a decline from an average of 15.4 million hours for the same year-to-date periods of 2018 and 2019, according to the nonprofit organization that tracks fishing operation worldwide.

Interpol issues red notice for wanted U.S. diplomat's wife over deadly car crash in Britain

LONDON, May 12 (Xinhua) -- The International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) on Monday issued a Red Notice for the arrest of a U.S. diplomat's wife named Anne Sacoolas, who was charged over a car crash killing a young man in Britain last year.

Harry Dunn was killed when his motorbike and a car collided outside a U.S. military base in Northamptonshire on Aug. 27 last year. The driver of the car, Sacoolas, returned to the United States, claiming diplomatic immunity and was subsequently charged by Britain's Crown Prosecution Service with causing death by dangerous driving.

Italy lets local authorities decide reopening dates

ROME, May 11 (Xinhua) -- The Italian government said on Monday it would allow local authorities to decide when to lift the restrictions imposed in March to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, local media reported.

The province of Alto Adige became the first to reopen restaurants, bars and libraries on Monday, the Local Italy reported.

On March 9, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced that the whole of Italy would be placed under lockdown from March 10.

Russia to end COVID-19-related restrictions

MOSCOW, May 11 (Xinhua) -- Russia will end its COVID-19-related restrictions nationwide from Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin said Monday.

Putin said he had signed a decree ending nationwide paid leave beginning Tuesday and called on regional heads to ease restrictions where possible.

"From tomorrow, May 12, the period of non-working days ends for the whole country and for all sectors of the economy," Putin said in a televised address to the nation.

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