
UK jobless claims jump to highest since 1996 as virus crisis hits

LONDON, May 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The number of people claiming unemployment benefits in Britain soared to its highest level since 1996 in April, the first full month of the government’s coronavirus lockdown, data published on Tuesday showed.

The claimant count rose by 856,500 – the biggest ever month-on-month leap – to 2.1 million, a 69 per cent increase, the Office for National Statistics said.

Covid-19 deadliest in New York City’s black and Latino neighbourhoods

NEW YORK, May 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Some New York City neighbourhoods have seen death rates from the novel coronavirus nearly 15 times higher than others, according to data released by New York City’s health department showing the disproportionate toll taken on poor communities.

Chile’s poor clash with police amid concerns over food shortages

SANTIAGO, May 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Police and protesters clashed in Santiago amid a city-wide lockdown meant to stem the spread of the coronavirus as local officials warned that food shortages had hit one of the Chilean capital’s poorest neighborhoods.

A group of protesters threw rocks, shouted and burned piles of wood along a street in the destitute neighborhood on Santiago’s southern fringe. Images on social media and local television showed police spraying tear gas and water cannons to disperse the growing crowd.

Half of Chile senate, four ministers in quarantine

SANTIAGO, May 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Around half of Chile’s 50-member senate and four ministers have been placed in quarantine after coming into contact with at least three colleagues infected with the novel coronavirus, officials said.

Finance Minister Ignacio Briones and Chief of Staff Felipe Ward both wrote on Twitter that they had tested negative for the virus but were in quarantine until a second test is conducted.

India’s covid infections surge past 100,000, deaths top 3,000

NEW DELHI, May 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Coronavirus cases in India reached 100,000 on Tuesday, matching the number of intensive care unit beds in the country, while the rate of new infections showed little sign of slowing.

India reported 4,970 new cases over the past 24 hours, taking the total from the outbreak to 101,139. Deaths rose by 134 to 3,163.

The number of Indian cases has easily outstripped China, where the virus originated late last year and which has been one of the infection hotspots in Asia.

Turkey imposes 4-day lockdown during Eid celebrations to curb pandemic

ISTANBUL, May 19 (NNN-Xinhua) — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced a four-day lockdown on May 23-26 in the entire country to curb the spread of COVID-19.

The curfew will comprehend all the 81 provinces, Erdogan said, after attending a cabinet meeting via videoconference from Istanbul.

The lockdown would cover the Eid al-Fitr, a Muslim feast marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

The travel restrictions for 15 cities, including Istanbul, were extended for another 15 days, the president also noted.

Palestine to ease measures in West Bank but to ban movement between cities during Eid

Ramallah, May 19 (NNN-XINHUA) — Palestinian authorities have decided to relax part of the anti-coronavirus measures that have been been imposed in the West Bank since March 5.

The decision came as seven new cases of COVID-19 were recorded in the Palestinian territories on Monday night, according to Health Minister Mai al-Kaila.

Al-Kaila said in a press statement that the number of the COVID-19 cases has reached 567, while 108 are still under medical treatment.

Qatar confirms virus in jail, denies widespread outbreak

DOHA, May 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Qatar confirmed 12 cases of COVID-19 at a jail as campaign group Human Rights Watch warned other prisoners could be at risk of contracting the disease.

Two inmates were acutely ill but none had succumbed to the respiratory condition, the Government Communications Office said in a statement which denied there was a widespread outbreak among prisoners.

Human Rights Watch had said in a statement that six non-Qatari detainees “described a deterioration in prison conditions” at Doha’s Central Prison.

South Africa army ‘begins setting up field hospitals’

PRETORIA, May 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) — The South African army has begun to build four field hospitals as the country prepares for “the devastating impact” of Covid-19.

“The army, which ordered all its staff back to work on May 1, is also planning to convert 2010 Soccer World Cup stadiums into field hospitals after being warned to expect the worst,” the Independent Online website reported.

Sources in the military are quoted as saying the plans are not unusual and are to augment existing health facilities.

Covid-19: Malawi VP candidate for July presidential elections urges supporters to hug

LILONGWE, May 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Malawi Vice-President Saulos Chilima wants his supporters to literally embrace backers of other parties that he’s formed an alliance with.

He has come under fire for his remarks as there are warnings that this could encourage the spread of coronavirus.

Chilima is Lazarus Chakwera’s running mate in a presidential election re-run that is expected in July. In the May 2019 cancelled election they ran against each other.

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