New York

UN Security Council renews sanctions on DRC

UNITED NATIONS, July 1 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Security Council on Thursday renewed the sanctions imposed on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Adopting resolution 2641 by a vote of 10 in favor to none against with five abstentions, the council renewed its arms embargo measures, travel ban and asset freezes until July 1, 2023.

China, Russian, Ghana, Gabon and Kenya voted in abstention.

Pakistan objects to ‘selectivity’ in condemning rights abuses, citing ‘deafening silence’ over Kashmir

UNITED NATIONS, Jun 30 (APP): Pakistan told an event at the U.N. Wednesday that “selectivity” in the condemnation of human rights violations was a factor in the rising geopolitical tensions, and called for a review of the current approach to advancing international peace and security.

UN Chief Appointed Najat Rochdi As Deputy Special Envoy For Syria

UNITED NATIONS, Jun 30 (NNN-AGENCIES) – UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, yesterday, announced the appointment of Najat Rochdi of Morocco, as deputy special envoy for Syria.

Rochdi succeeds Khawla Matar of Bahrain, “to whom the secretary-general expresses his gratitude for her efforts and dedication, in the search for peace in Syria,” the UN chief’s office said in a statement.

About 284 mln people used drugs worldwide in 2020, UN report

UNITED NATIONS, Jun 28 (APP): Some 284 million people between the age of 15 and 24 used drugs worldwide in 2020, a 26% increase over the previous decade, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) revealed in a new report.

The report, titled World Drug Report 2022, pointed out that “young people are using more drugs, with use levels today in many countries higher than with the previous generation.”

Globally, 11.2 million people were estimated to inject drugs, around half of whom were living with hepatitis C; 1.4 million with HIV, and 1.2 million with both.

China Calls For Urgent, Decisive Actions On Palestinian-Israeli Issue

UNITED NATIONS, Jun 28 (NNN-XINHUA) – A Chinese envoy, yesterday voiced deep concern, over the deteriorating situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, and called on the international community to take urgent and decisive actions, to prevent the Palestinian-Israeli issue from being totally derailed.

USA: Ghislaine Maxwell to be sentenced in Epstein sex abuse case

NEW YORK (AP) — Ghislaine Maxwell, the jet-setting socialite who once consorted with royals, presidents and billionaires, is set to be sentenced Tuesday for helping the wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein sexually abuse underage girls.

The 11 a.m. sentencing in New York is the culmination of a prosecution that detailed how the power couple flaunted their riches and prominent connections to lure vulnerable girls as young as 14, and then exploit them.

UN Ocean Conference opens with call for urgent steps to reverse ocean’s decline

UNITED NATIONS, Jun 27 (APP): With climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution exacting a devastating toll on the world’s ocean — critical to food security, economic growth and the environment — the 2022 UN Ocean Conference opened in Lisbon, Portugal, Monday with a call for action driven by science, technology and innovation.

“Sadly, we have taken the ocean for granted, and today we face what I would call an ‘Ocean Emergency’,” United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told delegates at the opening of the Conference.

No reruns: Committee tries new approach to break through: USA

NEW YORK (AP) — As television programming goes, expectations were widespread that the Jan. 6 committee hearings would essentially be reruns. Instead, they have been much more.

The five sessions have revealed a storyteller’s eye, with focus, clarity, an understanding of how news is digested in modern media, and strong character development — even if former President Donald Trump’s allies suggest there aren’t enough actors.

The hearings are pausing for a break until next month, leaving Americans much to digest.

UN chief opposes Russia's exclusion from UN Ocean Conference — agency

NEW YORK, June 24, /TASS/: Russia should not be excluded from the UN Ocean Conference, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in an interview with the Portuguese news agency Lusa on Friday.

The Secretary-General explained that the exclusion of a country from the list of participants at the conference does not make sense to him, as the upcoming meeting is aimed at changing the climate policy of absolutely all countries.

UN chief calls for sustainable funding for Palestine refugees agency

UNITED NATIONS, June 24 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday called for sustainable funding for the UN agency for Palestine refugees.

The agency, officially known as the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), suffers from chronic underfunding. In the last 10 years, the needs of Palestine refugees have increased, while funds have stagnated, Guterres told a UN pledging event for the agency.

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