New York

USA: Cuomo urged to resign after probe finds he harassed 11 women

NEW YORK (AP) — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo faced mounting pressure Tuesday to resign, including from President Joe Biden and other onetime Democratic allies, after an investigation found he sexually harassed nearly a dozen women and worked to retaliate against one of his accusers.

“I think he should resign,” Biden told reporters Tuesday, echoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and New York’s U.S. Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, all Democrats.

Pakistan: Indian envoy’s claim of Kashmir issues being Delhi’s internal matters ‘legally wrong’: Fai

UNITED NATIONS, Aug 03 (APP): Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary-General of World Kashmir Awareness forum, a Washington-based advocacy body, has criticized as “factually and legally wrong” a statement by the Indian Ambassador to the United Nations, T S Tirumurti, that Jammu and Kashmir was an integral part of India and that issues related to the state were internal matters of his country.

Peacekeeping force in Afghanistan not on radar screen of Security Council: Indian UN ambassador

UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 2 (Xinhua) -- The Security Council is not considering a peacekeeping force in Afghanistan although the situation in the country is a matter of grave concern in light of the abrupt withdrawal of U.S. forces, said T.S. Tirumurti, the Indian UN ambassador, whose country holds the Security Council presidency for the month of August.

US hits 70% vaccination rate -- a month late, amid a surge

(AP) --- The U.S. on Monday finally reached President Joe Biden’s goal of getting at least one COVID-19 shot into 70% of American adults -- a month late and amid a fierce surge by the delta variant that is swamping hospitals and leading to new mask rules and mandatory vaccinations around the country.

USA: WHO's 2nd COVID-19 origins probe seen as Tedros's reelection move: media

NEW YORK, July 30 (Xinhua) -- The second phase of investigation into the origins of COVID-19 planned by the World Health Organization (WHO) is seen as a potential campaign move by its current Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is running for a second five-year term, according to an article published in the U.S. newspaper Politico.

Many WHO member states in Geneva were surprised by Tedros' approach to further probing whether the virus leaked from a lab, said two diplomats who asked to remain anonymous, the article said.

Biggest threat to Western democracy comes from within, not China: U.S. media

NEW YORK, July 31 (Xinhua) -- The biggest threat to Western democracy comes from within, not China, said an article published by the Vox news site this week.

Blaming China for the reason why Western democracy is currently under threat is "not only wrong, but potentially dangerous," said the article.

One of the emerging tenets of U.S. President Joe Biden's administration is that the United States and China are locked in ideological confrontation over the fate of democracy, it said.

Ben & Jerry's: 'We are proud Jews and support Israel but oppose settlements'

29 July 2021; MEMO: The founders of Ben & Jerry's ice cream have stated that they are "proud Jews", that Israel was one of their first overseas markets and that they are "supporters of the State of Israel."

However, they conveyed in an opinion piece published by The New York Times on Wednesday: "It's possible to support Israel and oppose some of its policies, just as we've opposed policies of the US government."

UN calls for political solution to end conflict between Israelis, Palestinians

UNITED NATIONS, July 28 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations on Wednesday called for a political solution to end the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, although the international community is providing urgent assistance to Gaza in the wake of the most recent round of hostilities.

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