United Kingdom

UK’s May to make new push on her Brexit deal next month

LONDON (AP) — British Prime Minister Theresa May will try again next month to secure Parliament’s backing for a Brexit deal so that the U.K. can leave the European Union this summer, May’s office said Tuesday.

Downing Street said May intends to ask lawmakers to vote on a withdrawal agreement bill starting the week of June 3.

Russian embassy in London urges publication of Salisbury probe findings

LONDON, May 14. /TASS/: The Russian embassy in London has addressed the British authorities with fresh a reminder it is necessary to publish the results of the probe into the poisoning of former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. The embassy’s comment followed a report in The Times a group of parliament members led by Labor MP Chris Bryant accused the government of doing nothing since the Salisbury incident.

Sweden reopened Julian Assange rape case

13 May 2019; DW: With just one year to go before the statute of limitations expires, Swedish prosecutors have reopened a rape case against Julian Assange. Whether the WikiLeaks founder will face trial in Sweden, now depends on Britain.

Prosecutors in Sweden said Monday they are reopening a preliminary investigation into a rape allegation against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Thousands march for Palestine in London

12 May 2019; MEMO: Thousands of people marched through central London on Saturday to mark the seventy-first anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba (Catastrophe), which coincides this year with plans for a new deal that will liquidate the Palestinian issue. The demonstration was organised for by the Palestinian Forum in Britain (PFB), Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) and Stop the War Campaign (STW).

Theresa May to set date for resignation soon, says MP

London, May 11 (PTI) Theresa May could be forced to set an exact date for her resignation as Conservative Party leader to make way for a new British Prime Minister in the coming days, a senior Tory MP has said.

Sir Graham Brady, who chairs the influential backbench 1922 Committee of the Conservative Party, told the BBC that he expects a "clear understanding" of May's departure timetable once she has met the committee on Wednesday.

"It would be strange for that not to result in a clear understanding (of when she will leave) at the end of the meeting," said Brady.

'He's an innocent person': Pamela Anderson after visiting Assange

London, May 8; GANASHAKTI: Hollywood actress Pamela Anderson met Julian Assange at the Belmarsh high-security prison here on Tuesday. It was the first high-profile visit by a celebrity since the 47-year-old WikiLeaks founder was booted out from Ecuadorian embassy last month."

He does not deserve to be in a supermax prison. He has never committed a violent act, he's an innocent person," CNN quoted Anderson as saying.

UK keen to partner with China on green development: British official

LONDON, May 5 (Xinhua): Britain's participation in the International Horticultural Exhibition in Beijing will help strengthen Britain-China partnership on green development and contribute more to achieving a greener future in the world, said a senior British official.

Antonia Romeo, Permanent Secretary of Britain's Department for International Trade, told Xinhua in an interview that Britain has been "enthusiastic" in its contributions to the expo.

Britain's Duchess of Sussex gives birth to a boy

LONDON, May 6 (Xinhua): Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, has given birth to a boy, the Duke of Sussex announced here on Monday.

Prince Harry said the baby was delivered at 05:26 BST and both the mother and baby were doing "incredibly well."

He added that they were "absolutely thrilled" and they were still thinking about names for the infant.

"This little thing is absolutely to die for, so I'm just over the moon," the new father said.

The Buckingham Palace said the baby weighed about 3.2 kg and the royal family have been informed.

Thousands march for Scottish independence

5 May 2019; DW: In the first rally since First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said she wanted another vote on Scottish independence, tens of thousands of people marched in support in Glasgow. The rally was twice the size of the one last year.

Organized under the "All Under One Banner" (AUOB) slogan, tens of thousands turned out with Scottish flags in Glasgow on Saturday.

Pakistan High Commission in UK holds Urdu literary evening

LONDON, May 04 (APP): Pakistan’s High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Mohammad Nafees Zakaria has urged Pakistani Diaspora to pay due attention to promotion of Urdu language and literature and keep the coming generation intact with their roots through the dynamics of Urdu literature especially poetry.

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