United Kingdom

New technology could reduce solar cell manufacturing costs

LONDON, May 3 (Xinhua): Researchers have found a new way to design solar cells that could drive down manufacturing costs and even make them more efficient, says a study released on Friday by the University of Sheffield.

A team of researchers from the university and the technology company Power Roll demonstrated that by coating opposing walls of micro-grooves with different electrical contacts, and then filling the grooves with a solution-processable semiconductor, it was possible to create a new type of back-contacted solar cell.

UK's big two suffer Brexit backlash in local elections

3 May 2019; DW: Voters in England appeared to have punished both UK Prime Minister Theresa May's Conservative Party and the Labour opposition, as local council election results emerged on Friday.

Both parties, which pledged to carry out Brexit in their 2017 election manifestos, appeared to have suffered badly, with almost half of council results declared.

UK declares 'climate emergency'

2 May 2019; DW: After a week and a half of protests in London by climate change activists, the British Parliament has declared a symbolic "environment and climate change emergency." Lawmakers backed a call by Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the opposition Labour Party, for "rapid and dramatic action" to protect the environment.

Next hearing on WikiLeaks founder’s extradition due on May 30

LONDON, May 2. /TASS/: The next hearing on the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is scheduled for May 30, a TASS correspondent reported from the Westminster Magistrates Court on Thursday.

Presiding Judge Michael Snow also ruled that the expanded hearing on the Assange case will be held on June 12. The WikiLeaks founder said via a video link-up that he did not want to be extradited to the US.

Julian Assange faces extradition hearing as Berlin stays quiet

1 May 2019; DW: Julian Assange was sentenced to 50 weeks in prison for breaching conditions of bail in London on Wednesday, but the WikiLeaks founder's focus is liable to be on his next date in court. 

This Thursday, Assange will appear before a British judge in an initial hearing on his possible, and controversial, extradition to the US.

UK court sentences Julian Assange to 50 weeks in prison

1 May 2019; DW: A court in London on Wednesday sentenced Assange to 50 weeks in prison for jumping bail in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden.

Assange, who was arrested last month after Ecuador revoked his political asylum, had raised his hand defiantly upon arriving at court in a prison van.

Ajax beat Tottenham 1-0 in first leg of Champions League semifinal

LONDON, April 30 (Xinhua): Ajax took a 1-0 lead over hosts Tottenham in the first leg of the European Champions League semifinal thanks to a goal from Donny van de Beek here on Tuesday.

Van de Beek broke the deadlock in the 15th minute when he received a through pass from Hakim Ziyech and slot it past Hugo Lloris.

Tottenham, without injured Harry Kane and suspended Son Heung-min, nearly conceded a second 10 minutes later, but Van de Beek's shot was well saved by the French goalkeeper.

Opposition pressures UK government to act on climate change

LONDON (AP) — British opposition leaders are pressuring the government to act on climate change after weeks of protests put the issue at the heart of political debate.

Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon on Sunday declared a “climate emergency” during her party’s conference in Edinburgh, saying she had been inspired by young activists. Sturgeon says “Scotland will lead by example.”

Scotland's first minister calls for new independence vote before 2021

LONDON, April 24 (Xinhua) -- People in Scotland should be given the chance before 2021 to vote for independence from the United Kingdom, Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said in a major speech Wednesday.

Sturgeon made the call in a speech to the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood following the decision by the EU Council to extend Britain's membership of the bloc until October 31.

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