
Syria, Iran warn against U.S. military buildup along Syrian-Iraqi border

DAMASCUS, Aug. 30 (Xinhua) -- Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad and his Iranian counterpart Hussein Amir-Abdollahian jointly warned on Wednesday the United States against its reported military buildup along the Syrian-Iraqi border.

In a press conference held in the Syrian capital of Damascus, the two ministers expressed concerns over the apparent U.S. efforts to amass forces and allied rebel groups along the Syrian-Iraqi border, from the northeastern Syrian province of Hasakah to the southeastern region near the U.S. base in al-Tanf.

Syria’s Aleppo Airport Out Of Service After Israeli Attack: Syrian Army

DAMASCUS, Aug 29 (NNN-SANA) – Aleppo International Airport, in the northern Syrian province of Aleppo, went out of service, as a result of an Israeli attack targeting the airport, early yesterday, the Syrian army said in a statement.

The air attack was carried out at about 4:30 a.m. (0130 GMT), from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, west of the north-western Syrian province of Latakia, according to the statement.

The attack caused material damage to the airport runway, and put it out of service, the statement said without providing further details.

Israeli airstrike targets Aleppo airport in Syria

28 August 2023; MEMO: Israel launched an airstrike against Aleppo International Airport in northern Syria, putting it out of service, according to Syrian state media, reports Anadolu agency.

SANA news agency, citing a military source, said Israeli warplanes fired missiles from over the Mediterranean Sea, west of the coastal Syrian city of Latakia, and targeted Aleppo International Airport.

The attack caused heavy damage to the airport’s runway and forced it out of service, the source said.

Syria Accuses U.S. Of Plundering Resources, Destroying Infrastructure

DAMASCUS, Aug 28 (NNN-SANA) – Syria’s national railway operator, accused U.S. forces of dismantling infrastructure, including railways, and looting national resources within Syrian territories under their control.

U.S. forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) continued to seize infrastructure and machinery, including locomotives and trucks, in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour and the north-eastern province of Hasakah, the General Establishment of Syrian Railways was quoted as saying in a statement.

Syria's Aleppo airport out of service after Israeli attack: Syrian army

DAMASCUS, Aug. 28 (Xinhua) -- Aleppo International Airport in the northern Syrian province of Aleppo went out of service as a result of an Israeli attack targeting the airport early Monday, the Syrian army said in a statement.

The air attack was carried out at about 4:30 a.m. (0130 GMT), from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, west of the northwestern Syrian province of Latakia, according to the statement.

The attack caused material damage to the airport runway and put it out of service, the statement said without providing further details.

11 Soldiers Killed In Rebel Attack In NW Syria: Monitor

DAMASCUS, Aug 27 (NNN-SANA) – Eleven Syrian military personnel were killed, and 20 others were injured yesterday, in a rebel attack in the country’s north-western province of Idlib, a war monitor reported.

The attackers carried out an assault and detonated explosive devices, concealed in tunnels beneath the Syrian army positions, in the southern countryside of Idlib, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Syria denounces French, U.S. chemical weapons accusations

DAMASCUS, Aug. 27 (Xinhua) -- Syria on Saturday denied U.S. and French allegations that the country used chemical weapons near Damascus in 2013.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry vehemently condemned recent statements from the French Foreign Ministry and the spokesperson of the U.S. National Security Council about Syrian government forces' involvement in chemical attacks on Syrian soil, calling them "false accusations and fabricated incidents."

Syria: Hundreds of thousands demonstrate in to overthrow Assad regime

26 August 2023; MEMO: Hundreds of thousands of Syrians demonstrated, in various Syrian governorates, to demand the overthrow of the Assad regime, and to hold the criminal Bashar al-Assad accountable.

According to Aramme news agency correspondent, demonstrations took place in the cities and towns of northern Syria on August 25th after Friday prayers.

Israel launches missile attack on military sites around Damascus

DAMASCUS, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- Israel carried out a missile strike on military sites around the Syrian capital Damascus on Monday night, injuring a soldier, the Syrian army said in a statement.

The missiles were launched from the direction of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, it said.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a war monitor, said three military sites, including weapon depots that belong to Iran-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah, were targeted.

Syria: Demonstrations against deteriorating living conditions

19 August 2023; MEMO: Tens of Syrians in Jaramana in the Damascus countryside, south of Syria, demonstrated on Friday against deteriorating living conditions in the regime-controlled area, Aram Media reported.

Local sources said that the demonstrations started before the municipal council and headed towards Al-Soyouf Square in the city centre.

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