New York

US academic urges world community to fulfill its pledges to Kashmiris; exposes India’s designs in IIOJK

NEW YORK, Aug 08 (APP): An American academic of Kashmiri origin has, in an article published in The Washington Post, called on the international community to allow the long-suffering Kashmiri people the exercise of their UN-pledged right of self-determination, saying they deserve to live a life of dignity and security.

USA: Cuomo clears New York schools statewide to open, carefully

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — New York schools can bring children back to classrooms for the start of the school year, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Friday, citing success in battling the coronavirus in the state that once was the U.S. heart of the pandemic.

The Democratic governor’s decision clears the way for schools to offer at least some days of in-person classes, alongside remote learning. Students will be required to wear masks throughout each school day.

Pakistan urges OIC members to push for ending India’s rights abuses in Kashmir

UNITED NATIONS, Aug 07 (APP): Pakistan’s UN Ambassador, Munir Akram, has underscored the need for the world community to end India’s human rights violations in illegally occupied Kashmir and move to resolve the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN resolutions and Kashmiri people’s wishes when he briefed OIC members on the situation in the disputed state.

“We, first and foremost, rely on our muslim brothers and sisters from OIC to uphold the right of self-determination of Kashmiri people,” he told representatives of Islamic nations in a virtual meeting on Thursday.

Guterres reiterates appeal for resolution of Kashmir dispute through talks, says UN ready to help

UNITED NATIONS, Aug 06 (APP): UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Wednesday evening reiterated his appeal to India and Pakistan to find a “peaceful and mutually satisfactory” solution of the Kashmir dispute through dialogue, marking one year anniversary of India’s illegal action to end the special status of the disputed state.

The UN chief said the Indo-Pakistan dialogue should be “in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and full respect for human rights,” according to a statement issued by his Deputy Spokesman Farhan Haq.

‘See you in court’: ACLU files nearly 400 cases versus Trump

NEW YORK (AP) — The day after Donald Trump’s election in November 2016, the American Civil Liberties Union posted a message to him on its website: “See you in court.”

As president, Trump hasn’t personally squared off against the ACLU from the witness stand, but the broader warning has been borne out. As of this week, the ACLU has filed nearly 400 lawsuits and other legal actions against the Trump administration, some meeting with setbacks but many resulting in important victories.

USA: HRW slams India over human rights abuses in Kashmir

NEW YORK, Aug 05 (APP): Human Rights Watch (HRW), a prominent international watchdog body, has called on India to reverse its “abusive policies” in Jammu and Kashmir, and said it was dismayed that New Delhi persisted with “its repression of Kashmiri Muslims” despite the pandemic forcing the world to address discrimination and inequality.

USA: COVID-19 measures could disrupt rare polio-like disease

NEW YORK (AP) — Health experts once thought 2020 might be the worst year yet for a rare paralyzing disease that has been hitting U.S. children for the past decade.

But they now say the coronavirus pandemic could disrupt the pattern for the mysterious illnesses, which spike every other year starting in late summer.

Scientists say it’s possible that mask wearing, school closures and others measures designed to stop spread of the coronavirus may also hamper spread of the virus suspected of causing the paralyzing disease.

Despite year-long military siege, violence continues in IIOJK: US magazine

NEW YORK, Aug 04 (APP): India’s illegal action in the occupied part of Jammu and Kashmir that it claimed would bring peace and development to the disputed region has in fact “only brought more violence and uncertainty,” according to an article published in ‘Foreign Policy’, a prestigious American magazine.

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