
India likely to miss 2030 deadline for over half of health SDGs: Lancet study

New Delhi, Feb 27 (PTI) India is not on target for over 50 per cent of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators related to health and social determinants of health seven years before the 2030 deadline, according to a study published in The Lancet journal.

Morocco to invest $1.95bn in renewable energy projects in disputed Western Sahara

07 Feb 2023; MEMO: Morocco has launched renewable energy projects worth 20 billion dirhams ($1.95 billion) in the disputed Western Sahara region, Anadolu reported the Moroccan Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, Dr. Leila Benali, saying yesterday.

India: Fluctuating Temperatures impact human life & crops

Kanpur: Rapidly raising difference between day and night temperatures remains not only risky for common man's bodily health but also impacts crops badly.

Giving information at this point, the CSA Agriculture & Technology' University's meteorological department head Dr SN Pandey lets out swiftly fluctuating mercury causes troubles both to humans and the crops as well.

The normal set temperature should be between 10 and 12 degrees Celsius, but on Monday the difference was 20.

Saudi Arabia to invest about $266bn for clean energy – Minister

31 Jan 2023; MEMO: Saudi Arabia will invest up to one trillion riyals ($266.40 billion) to generate "cleaner energy", Saudi state TV reported on Monday, citing the Kingdom's Energy Minister, Reuters report.

According to the report, Minister Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, said that the investments aim also to "add transport lines and distribution networks in order to eventually export the energy to the world and produce clean hydrogen".

Palestine: Israel Forces to uproot 100 trees belonging to Palestinian farmer in West Bank

26 Jan 2023; MEMO: Israeli Occupation Authorities today issued notices to Palestinian landowners alerting them of their plans to destroy 100 trees based in Masafer Yatta, south of Hebron in the Occupied West Bank, reported Wafa news agency.

India: Small white owl spotted in Kanpur's Naveen Market shop

Kanpur: After the recent day grab of the extinct vulture, a small white owl has now been found in Kanpur. It was spotted in the Navin market here.

None knows where it came from. When people saw that a white owl was sitting in the window of the shop, the crowd started gathering to see this unique owl.

Forest officer Lallu Singh says that the owl is considered a protected bird. We will hand it over to the zoo. Where did it come from, at the moment we are trying to find out about it.

Saudi Arabia: Makkah mountains turn green after heavy rain

09 Jan 2023; MEMO: The mountains in and around the holy city of Makkah in Saudi Arabia have turned green after weeks of heavy rain and last month's flash floods, the Saudi Press Agency has reported. The agency shared a video clip on Twitter last Thursday showing the effect of the excessive rainfall.

India: Kanpur youths capture Himalayan Griffon Vulture from Eidgah cemetery

Kanpur: A lot of murmur gathers following grabbing of a rare Himalayan Griffon Vulture by locals from the Eidgah cemetery in Colonelganj area here. It was later handed over to the Uttar Pradesh Forest Department, as reported.

Kanpurites could not prevent their extreme excitement after the rare capture of one of the biggest bird species based in the cold Himalayan regions.

The excited youths did not lose their chance to pose with the scavenger bird. They were even seen towing its wings to a full stretch to demonstrate their grab.

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