
Palestinian man killed by Israeli gunfire near Ramallah: ministry

RAMALLAH, March 22 (Xinhua) -- A Palestinian man was declared dead Sunday night after being shot by Israeli soldiers near the West Bank city of Ramallah, Palestinian Ministry of Health said.

Another Palestinian was hospitalized after being lightly injured by Israeli gunfire in the same incident, the ministry said in a statement.

The two men were driving to their home in the village of Nilin, west of Ramallah, before they saw a military checkpoint at the village's entrance, where they were shot at.

Palestine submits memo over ICC jurisdiction on occupied areas

RAMALLAH, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Palestine on Monday submitted "observations" to the International Criminal Court (ICC) on its jurisdiction on occupied territories, according to the Palestinian Foreign Ministry.

The submission is in response to the ICC prosecutor's request for determining the scope of its territorial jurisdiction in Palestinian areas.

Palestine is the sole sovereign over the territories occupied in 1967, comprised of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, the ministry said in a statement.

Israeli fire kills Palestinian trying to plant bomb at Gaza border: Israeli military

GAZA (Reuters) - Israeli forces killed a Palestinian trying to plant explosives near Israel’s border security fence with the Gaza Strip on Sunday, the Israeli military said.

The Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad said the man was one of its members, but it did not disclose what he was doing in the area.

In a statement, the Israeli military said soldiers opened fire at two Palestinians placing an explosive device next to the fence in the Hamas Islamist-run enclave.

It said one of the men was killed and a military bulldozer removed his body.

Palestine says Trump's administration "partnering" with Israel in territory annexation

RAMALLAH, Feb. 20 (Xinhua) -- Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organization Saeb Erekat on Thursday said that the U.S. and Israel are "partnering" in annexation plans through ongoing settlement construction.

"(Donald) Trump's administration is now partnering with Israel, through the recently formed annexation committee, with its new announcements for more construction and expansion of Israel's illegal colonial settlements on lands belonging to the state of Palestine," Erekat said in a press statement.

Palestinians seek alternatives to U.S. peace plan to resolve conflict with Israel

RAMALLAH, Feb. 17 (Xinhua) -- The Palestinians are calling on the international community to help resolve their conflict with Israel, while rejecting the U.S. peace plan, known as "The Deal of the Century".

A senior Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) official on Monday called for the establishment of an international assembly based on rights and justice, so as to end the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Israel accused of torturing Palestinians after fatal bombing

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — One of the men was hospitalized with kidney failure and 11 broken ribs. Another was nearly unrecognizable to his wife when he was wheeled into a courtroom. A third was stitched up after being attacked by a security dog.

Then the three Palestinians were returned to their Israeli interrogators. They had been swept up in a sprawling manhunt launched after a roadside bomb killed a 17-year-old Israeli girl and wounded her father and brother as they hiked down to a spring last August in the occupied West Bank.

Abbas to address UNSC next week on U.S. Mideast peace deal: official

RAMALLAH, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) -- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is to address the UN Security Council (UNSC) next week over the U.S. Middle East peace plan, better known as the Deal of the Century, a senior Palestinian official announced Wednesday.

Riyad Mansour, permanent representative of Palestine in the United Nations, told the official Voice of Palestine radio that Abbas will arrive in New York on Monday and address the UNSC on Tuesday.

The senior Palestinian diplomat revealed that Palestine will submit a draft resolution to the UNSC.

Gaza farmers return to their lands along volatile Israeli border

GAZA (Reuters) - Returning to his fields for the first time in 14 years, Palestinian farmer Naser Abu Isaeed surveyed the toll taken by conflict on formerly productive soil.

“I saw an empty area full of holes and dry weeds,” said Abu Isaeed, who once grew fruit on the tracts along Gaza’s volatile border with Israel.

He is one of about 600 Palestinian farmers who regained access to their fields along the border to cultivate crops under a project launched by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Palestine blames U.S. peace plan as "declaration of hostility"

RAMALLAH, Feb. 2 (Xinhua) -- Palestine on Sunday reiterated its rejection of the U.S. Mideast peace deal, describing it as a "declaration of hostility" against the Palestinian people.

"The plan poses a serious threat to the rules-based international order and the foundations of international law," according to a position paper issued by the Palestine Liberation Organization's Public Diplomacy and Policy Department.

It said that the proposed plan grants Israel "immediate rewards of annexation," leaving Palestinians with no sovereignty at all.

Palestinians angrily reject Trump Mideast peace plan

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said “a thousand no’s” to the Mideast peace plan announced Tuesday by President Donald Trump, which strongly favors Israel.

The Palestinians remain committed to ending the Israeli occupation and establishing a state with its capital in east Jerusalem, Abbas said at a news conference in the West Bank city of Ramallah, where the Western-backed Palestinian Authority is headquartered.

“After the nonsense that we heard today we say a thousand no’s to the Deal of The Century,” he said.

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