
Lack of global leadership is 'greatest threat' in fighting pandemic, says WHO

DUBAI (Reuters) - The lack of global leadership and unity to fight the coronavirus is a bigger threat that the outbreak itself, the head of the World Health Organization said on Monday, adding that politicisation of the pandemic had made it worse.

He did not elaborate but the WHO has been criticised by some members states, especially the United States which says it was too weak, too slow and too “China-centric” in tackling the disease.

Iran says it successfully tests new naval cruise missile

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran said on Thursday its navy had successfully fired a new locally made cruise missile during war games in the northern Indian Ocean and near the entrance to the Gulf.

The test-firing comes as the United States is seeking an extension of a U.N.-imposed arms embargo against Iran, which is due to expire in October under Tehran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. Washington withdrew from that pact.

Saudi proposes framework to end standoff between allies in southern Yemen: sources

DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has proposed a framework to end the latest standoff in southern Yemen between nominal allies under a Saudi-led coalition, three sources said, as violence escalates with the Iran-aligned Houthi movement in the north of the country.

Previous clashes between Yemen’s Saudi-backed government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC), a separatist group, have complicated U.N. efforts to end Yemen’s ruinous conflict and protect its fractured health sector from COVID-19.

Iran urges Russia, China to resist U.S. push to extend arms embargo

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran on Wednesday called on Russia and China to resist a push by Washington to extend a U.N.-imposed arms embargo due to expire in October under Tehran’s 2015 nuclear deal with six powers.

U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration has been taking a harder line with the United Nations to extend and strengthen the embargo on Iran, warning that its lifting would let Tehran acquire weapons that could fuel conflicts in the Middle East.

Amid US tension, Iran builds fake aircraft carrier to attack

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — As tensions remain high between Iran and the U.S., the Islamic Republic appears to have constructed a new mock-up of an aircraft carrier off its southern coast for potential live-fire drills.

The faux foe, seen in satellite photographs obtained Tuesday by The Associated Press, resembles the Nimitz-class carriers that the U.S. Navy routinely sails into the Persian Gulf from the Strait of Hormuz, its narrow mouth where 20% of all the world’s oil passes through.

UAE: Emirates lays off pilots, cabin crew, plans thousands more job cuts: sources

DUBAI (Reuters) - Emirates, one of the world’s biggest long-haul airlines, laid off more pilots and cabin crew on Tuesday as it manages a cash crunch caused by the global coronavirus pandemic, and plans thousands of additional job cuts, five company sources said.

Aviation is one of the industries worst hit by the outbreak, which has dented travel demand and forced major airlines to lay off staff and seek government bailouts.

Iranian wedding party fuelled new COVID-19 surge, President Rouhani says

DUBAI (Reuters)- - A wedding party contributed to a new surge in coronavirus infections in Iran, President Hassan Rouhani said on Saturday but insisted the country had no option but to keep its economy open despite warnings of a second wave of the epidemic.

Iran, which has been gradually relaxing its lockdown since mid-April, has reported a sharp rise of new daily infections in recent days. Thursday’s toll of 3,574 new cases was the highest since February, when the outbreak was first reported.

Iranian Foreign minister challenges Trump to return to nuclear deal

DUBAI (Reuters) - Seizing on Donald Trump’s conciliatory tone after Tehran released an American Navy veteran, Iran’s foreign minister challenged the U.S. president on Friday to return to the nuclear deal that Washington abandoned two years ago.

Iran freed Michael White on Thursday as part of a deal in which the United States allowed Iranian-American physician Majid Taheri to visit Iran.

Trump tweeted on Thursday of White’s release: “Thank you to Iran, it shows a deal is possible!”

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