Human Rights

UN calls for genocide probe of Myanmar's top military

By Meryem Goktas

ANKARA; 27 Aug 2018; AA: The UN on Monday called for an investigation and prosecution of Myanmar's top military officials for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes against Rohingya Muslims.

According to a report by the UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on Myanmar, human rights violations and abuses committed in Kachin, Rakhine and Shan States need to be probed at the International Criminal Court.

Arab MKs seek to take Jewish ‘nation-state’ law to UN

JERUSALEM; 27 Aug 2018; AA: Arab members of Knesset (Israel’s parliament) are seeking UN censure of Israel over a recent law recognizing Israel as the “nation-state of the Jewish people”, The Jerusalem Post daily reported.

“The Palestinian delegation, in cooperation with Knesset members from the Arab parties, is planning steps aimed at smearing Israel and damaging its image through incitement and lies,” Israel’s ambassador to the UN Danny Danon said.

Indian Ministry of External Affairs refuses to provide details on Dr Naik’s extradition request

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) refused to provide details of extradition request to Malaysia to extradite Di Zakir Naik, who is now a permanent resident of that country.

The request was made by a PTI correspondent, in accordance with Section 8 (1) (a) (f) and (h) of the Right to Information Act, 2005.

MEA said the information cannot be provided because it would impede the process of investigation or apprehension or prosecution of offenders.

Rohingya returnees tortured by Myanmar police: HRW

By Kyaw Ye Lynn

YANGON, Myanmar; 232 Aug 2018; AA: A leading human rights group said on Tuesday that international monitoring was vital in the repatriation of thousands of Rohingya Muslims as Myanmar authority has tortured and imprisoned returnees from Bangladesh.

Since Aug. 25, 2017, more than 750,000 refugees, mostly children and women, have fled Myanmar and crossed into Bangladesh after Myanmar forces launched a crackdown on the minority Muslim community, according to Amnesty International.

Prisoners in US strike to protest 'modern slavery'

By Umar Farooq

WASHINGTON; 22 Aug 2018; AA: Inmates in at least 17 U.S. states on Tuesday began one of the largest prison strikes in U.S. history.

The strike, which is scheduled to last until Sept. 9, is being led by inmates of the legal group Jailhouse Lawyers Speak.

The group said prisoners will take part in work strikes, sit-ins, and hunger strikes.

Two Muslim youths thrashed in suspected cow slaughtering incident

Muzaffarnagar (UP), August 21 PTI:  Two Muslim youths were beaten up and paraded by a cow vigilante group under Adarsh Mandi police station in Shamli here, police said today.

Police yesterday registered a case against twenty activists of the cow protection group and also arrested their chief, said circle officer Ashok Kumar. Police are trying to identify the remaining accused persons using a video which was shot when the two youths were being thrashed.

Later police rescued them and booked them under Prevention of Cow Slaughtering Act.

Woman assaulted by mob, paraded naked in Bihar; 16 arrested, 8 cops suspended

Arrah (Bihar), Aug 21; PTI:  Sixteen persons, including a local RJD activist, have been arrested and eight policemen suspended after a women was assaulted and paraded naked in the state's Bhojpur district by a mob on suspicion of her involvement in alleged murder of a man, officials said today.

Suu Kyi says speed of Rohingya return is up to Bangladesh

Singapore, Aug 21 (AFP) Aung San Suu Kyi today said it was up to Bangladesh to decide how quickly Rohingya refugees would return to Myanmar, appearing to blame Dhaka for the delay.

More than 700,000 Rohingya Muslims fled Buddhist-majority Myanmar to Bangladesh after a brutal military crackdown on the stateless minority almost a year ago.

Iranian top diplomat says US will never again overthrow government in Tehran

TASS, August 19. The US dreams of once again overthrowing the Iranian government but it will not succeed, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Twitter.

His tweet says that "65 years ago today, the US overthrew the popularly elected democratic government of Dr. Mossadegh, restoring the dictatorship and subjugating Iranians for the next 25 years. Now an "Action Group" dreams of doing the same through pressure, misinformation and demagoguery. Never again."

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