Middle East & North Africa

Houthis insist on entry of aid into Gaza in exchange for salvaging sunken British ship

02 March 2024; MEMO: Yemen’s Houthi group insisted Saturday on bringing relief aid into the Gaza Strip in exchange for allowing the sunken British ship Rubymar in the Gulf of Aden to be salvaged, Anadolu reports.

“We confirm again that the offer is valid to tow the ship (Rubymar) in exchange for bringing relief trucks into Gaza,” Muhammad Ali Al-Houthi, a member of the group’s Supreme Political Council, said in a statement on X.

Hamas armed wing says seven more hostages killed in Gaza by Israeli bombardment

01 March 2024; MEMO: Seven hostages who have been held in Gaza were killed as a result of the Israeli military’s bombardment of the enclave, Abu Obaida, the spokesperson for Hamas’s armed wing, Al-Qassam Brigades, said on Friday, Reuter’s reports.

It was not immediately clear when the seven died.

National Security Minister hails Israel soldiers' killing of over 100 civilians waiting for aid in Gaza

29 February 2024; MEMO:Israeli National Security Minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, voiced support, Thursday, for Israeli soldiers after a shooting left more than 100 Palestinians dead as they were waiting for humanitarian aid in Gaza City, Anadolu Agency reports.

“We must give complete support to our heroic fighters operating in Gaza, who acted excellently against a Gazan mob that tried to harm them,” Ben-Gvir said in a statement.

Gaza child deaths ‘likely to rapidly increase’ amid Israeli siege: UNICEF

03 March 2024; MEMO: The United Nations children’s agency UNICEF warned Sunday of rising child deaths in the Gaza Strip as Israeli offensive and siege on the territory continues, Anadolu reports.

At least 15 Palestinian children died from dehydration and malnutrition at the Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip as Israel tightened a crippling blockade on the area, according to local health authorities.

Hezbollah attacks Israeli forces near border with southern Lebanon

03 March 2024; MEMO: Lebanese group Hezbollah said Sunday that it had targeted an Israeli military force in southern Lebanon, causing casualties, Anadolu reports.

The Israeli force was attacked with “appropriate weapons” near the town of Wazzani, resulting in direct hits, Hezbollah said in a statement.

Hezbollah also said its fighters struck an Israeli surveillance system near the border, resulting in direct hits.

Israel planned Thursday's attack on people receiving humanitarian aid in Gaza: Report

03 March 2024; MEMO: The Israeli attack on people waiting to receive humanitarian aid on Thursday morning, which killed 118 Palestinians and injured over 750 others, was orchestrated by Tel Aviv and involved local Palestinian entrepreneurs to show a genuine humanitarian aid delivery, media reports said on Sunday, Anadolu reports.

Iraq resistance group targets chemical depot in Haifa, northern Israel

03 March 2024; MEMO: The Islamic Resistance in Iraq group has claimed responsibility for targeting a chemical materials depot in the Port of Haifa in northern Israel. The group said that the attack on Friday evening was “in continuation of resistance” against the Israeli occupation state.

Netanyahu’s government ‘reached its demise,’ says Israel’s Lieberman

03 March 2024; MEMO: The government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “has reached its demise,” former Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Sunday, Anadolu reports.

“The government has exhausted itself, and removing it will be a reward for Israel’s people,” Lieberman, the leader of the hardline Yisrael Beiteinu Party, said in statements carried by Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

Hamas accounts Biden administration responsible for US airman death

Tehran, IRNA, 27 February 2024 – The Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, has said that US President Joe Biden’s administration is responsible for the death of an American airman who set himself on fire.

Through self-immolation, Aaron Bushnell protested against Washington’s support for Tel Aviv’s genocidal measures in Gaza, Hamas said in a statement on Tuesday cited by Palestinian news agency Samaa.

US, UK warplanes launch new attacks on Yemen

Tehran, IRNA, 27 February 2024 - American and British forces have conducted fresh aerial attacks on Yemen in yet another breach of international law and the UN charter.

Yemen’s Al-Masirah TV channel reported that Ras Isa port town and the city of al-Salif in western Hudaydah province were targeted in the new round of strikes.

So far, there have been no reports of casualties or possible damages from this attack.

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