
Tropical Storm Cristobal makes landfall on Mexico Gulf coast

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Tropical Storm Cristobal made landfall in Mexico’s Gulf coast state of Campeche on Wednesday, dumping heavy rain on the already soaked region ahead of an expected eventual turn toward the United States, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

The Mexican army evacuated 138 people in Campeche after floodwaters threatened homes, and police in Campeche reported water washing across highways.

Mexico president kicks off ‘new normal’ phase amid pandemic

CANCUN, Mexico (AP) — Amid a pandemic and a brewing tropical storm, Mexico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador kicked off Mexico’s return to a “new normal” Monday with his first road trip in two months as the nation began to gradually ease some virus-inspired restrictions.

López Obrador said he’s taking all necessary precautions — he drove the 1,000 miles from Mexico City over the weekend rather than flying — on a trip to promote construction of one of his signature infrastructure projects the Mayan Train.

Mexico can benefit from Chinese economic slowdown, Lopez Obrador says

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A slowdown in China’s economy this year should allow Mexico to attract more investment, lure companies and create jobs, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Monday.

Speaking at a regular government news conference, Lopez Obrador pointed to forecasters’ expectations that China’s economy will post its weakest growth in years in 2020 amid disruptions caused by the coronavirus outbreak.

Eight inmates killed in Mexico prison fight

PUENTE GRANDE, Mexico (Reuters) - A violent clash at a prison in Mexico’s central state of Jalisco on Friday left eight inmates dead and another eight prisoners hospitalized with injuries, state security officials said.

During the incident at a jail in the Puente Grande complex, three people were killed by firearms and four others died from beatings, Jalisco’s prosecutor Gerardo Octavio Solis said in a press conference.

Civic group: Mexico City virus deaths 3 times those reported

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A registry of death certificates in Mexico City suggests there were 4,577 cases where doctors mentioned coronavirus or COVID-19 as a possible or probable cause of death, more than three times the official death toll in the city.

The federal government acknowledges only 1,332 confirmed deaths in Mexico City since the pandemic began, less than a third as many as the investigation revealed.

Press group blasts probe into Mexico journalist murder

16 May 2020; AFP: The investigation into the murder of a Mexican journalist who worked for AFP as a freelancer was blighted by "negligence... and delays," Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said on Friday.

Javier Valdez, who was also the founder of the Riodoce weekly newspaper and worked for the La Jornada daily, was shot dead three years ago in Culiacan.

More than 100 Mexicans die of tainted alcohol as beer supply dries up

MEXICO CITY, May 14 (NNN-AGENCIES) — More than 100 people in Mexico have died from drinking adulterated alcohol over the past two weeks, according to a tally by Mexican daily newspaper Reforma on Wednesday, as measures to halt the coronavirus’ spread have crimped beer production.

The potentially fatal bootleg alcohol contains dangerous substances such as methanol in some cases, and is being distributed as brewers such as Heineken and Grupo Modelo have suspended production in line with government directives to halt non-essential activity.

17 die of adulterated alcohol in central Mexico

MEXICO CITY, May 13 (NNN-Xinhua) — Seventeen people were killed after drinking adulterated alcohol in Mexico’s central-eastern state of Puebla, local authorities said.

These people died in the municipality of Chiconcuautla, a town located about 200 km northeast of the capital Mexico City.

The city council declared a health emergency following the incident, saying local authorities have launched an investigation to find out the precise cause of the deaths.

Mexico says U.S. to maintain trade terms over sugar

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s government on Saturday said the U.S. Commerce Department had published a notification of its intention to keep an agreement regulating Mexican sugar exports into the United States active for another five years.

The United States in 2014 imposed hefty duties on imports of Mexican sugar after determining the country’s sugar firms were dumping cheap, subsidized sugar into the U.S. market.

The two governments then reached a deal to remove duties, which established quotas and minimum prices for imports of raw and refined sugars from Mexico.

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