
EU denounces North Korea missile, calls for fresh talks with U.S.

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union denounced on Wednesday North Korea’s decision to fire a ballistic missile off its east coast as “yet another provocative action” and called for fresh talks between Washington and Pyongyang.

“We look forward to the resumption of working-level talks between the US and the DPRK and stand ready to support all international efforts for finding a diplomatic solution leading to lasting peace and security on the Korean Peninsula,” the EU said in a statement, referring to North Korea.

WTO to back U.S. tariffs over Airbus subsidies

BRUSSELS/LONDON (Reuters) - The World Trade Organization is poised on Wednesday to open the door to hefty U.S. tariffs on European goods over illegal subsidies for Airbus, pushing a 15-year-old row over support for plane giants to the center of fraught global trade relations.

The Geneva body said it would publish at 4 p.m. local time (1400 GMT) its decision on a U.S. request to impose up to $11.2 billion in tariffs on European Union goods, but people close to the case expect WTO arbiters to reduce that by about a third.

EU to hit seven more Venezuelan officials with sanctions for torture

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union will impose economic sanctions on another seven people close to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Friday, three EU diplomats said, in a decision that may disappoint opposition leaders looking for sweeping action.

The move is the first time in almost a year that the EU has widened its travel bans and asset freezes to more people close to Maduro. The bloc until now has instead sought to help mediate peace talks with Norway and Latin American countries.

Boeing bid for Embraer unit faces EU antitrust probe - sources

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Boeing is set to face a EU antitrust investigation of up to five months into its bid for a controlling stake in the commercial aircraft arm of Brazil’s Embraer, people familiar with the matter said on Monday.

The deal, marking the biggest shift in commercial aerospace in decades, would reshape a global passenger jet duopoly and reinforce Western planemakers against newcomers from China, Russia and Japan.

EU Is “In No Way Responsible” For Brexit Consequences, Juncker Says

LONDON, Sept 23 (NNN-AGENCIES) – The European Union (EU) is “in no way responsible” for the consequences of Brexit, and the bloc should not be held accountable for what is a “British decision,” European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, said.

“The European Union is not leaving the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union,” Juncker said.

“The EU is in no way responsible for any kind of consequences entailed by the Brexit,” he said.

UK's Johnson, EU's Juncker fail to inch closer in their first Brexit meeting

BRUSSELS, Sept. 16 (Xinhua) -- British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker held their first meeting Monday in Luxembourg on Brexit without breakthrough.

Focusing on the Irish backstop, a protocol aiming to prevent a hard border, the two leaders from different sides of the English Channel found they are not on the same page.

EU says need to determine Saudi attack facts before establishing blame

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission said on Monday it was important to determine the facts behind the attack on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities before establishing who was responsible.

“It is important to clearly establish the facts and then determine responsibility for this deplorable attack,” a spokeswoman said, largely repeating a statement issued by the European Union on Sunday.

Russia won’t need contract with Kiev to supply gas to EU via Ukraine 2020 - source

BRUSSELS, September 15. /TASS/: For uninterrupted gas transit to the EU in 2020 Ukraine and Russia won’t have to sign a new gas contract provided that Kiev meets its commitments on implementing European energy rules in its legislation, a source in the European energy sector told TASS.

According to the source, Kiev has undertaken commitments as a member of the European energy community to implement in its legislation by January 1, 2020 European energy norms, including on holding auctions of reserving transit capacities.

EU court says Germany has to notify EU of copyright law targeting Google

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Google won a victory on Thursday after Europe’s top court said Germany has to notify the European Commission of a rule allowing publishers to demand a copyright fee from the U.S. tech giant for using news snippets.

The case underlines the battle between publishers and Alphabet unit Google over the share of revenues from distributing news.

US not set to slap sanctions on Rosneft for doing business in Venezuela — special envoy

BRUSSELS, September 10. /TASS/: Washington is not yet ready to impose sanctions on Russia's state oil giant Rosneft in connection with the company’s business in Venezuela, but may consider possible restrictive measures in the future, US Special Representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams said during a telephone briefing broadcast in Brussels.

"Yes, the United States may impose sanctions on Rosneft [for activities in Venezuela], but we are not there yet," he said responding to a relevant question.

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