
Sudan army: 'We regained control over 80% of our borderlands with Ethiopia'

31 Dec 2020; MEMO: The Sudanese army announced that it has regained control over 80 per cent of Sudanese territory previously seized by Ethiopian militias, stressing that: "The confrontations were against members of the Ethiopian army, not militias, considering the use of large-scale and long-range weapons."

Sudan deploys troops in South Darfur after tribal violence

28 Dec 2020; MEMO: Sudan will deploy "large numbers" of troops to South Darfur state after the killing of 15 people in tribal violence recently, the state news agency cited the state governor as saying on Sunday, Reuters reports.

The state is part of the restive Darfur region, in the west of Sudan, which suffered a bitter conflict that erupted in 2003.

U.S. officially announces removal of Sudan from state sponsors of terrorism list

KHARTOUM, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. embassy in Khartoum on Monday officially announced the removal of Sudan from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

"The congressional notification period of 45 days has lapsed and the Secretary of State has signed a notification stating rescission of Sudan's State Sponsor of Terrorism designation is effective as of today (December 14), to be published in the Federal Register," said the embassy on its Facebook page on Monday.

Sudan's PM visits Ethiopia, as Tigray refugees top 50,000

Khartoum, Dec 13 (AP-PTI) Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok on Sunday arrived in Ethiopia, his office said, amid a growing refugee crisis that has seen more than 50,000 Ethiopians flee conflict in the Tigray region into neighbouring Sudan.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed greeted his Sudanese counterpart at Addis Ababa's airport, where Hamdok arrived with the acting Sudanese Foreign Minister Omar Qamar al-Din and top intelligence and military officials.

Syrians need visas to enter Sudan after 2 decades of visa-free entry

10 Dec 2020; MEMO: The Sudanese Interior Ministry announced on Wednesday the halt of visa-free entry for Syrians, Anadolu  Agency reported.

This announcement came in a statement and follows 20 years of visa-free entry for Syrians.

"The head of Sudan's Transitional Military Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, issued a decision cancelling republican decree number 179 for 2001, which provided visa-free entry for Syrians," the statement indicated.

Ethiopia’s conflict stokes humanitarian and virus crisis

HAMDAYET, Sudan (AP) — Ethiopia’s month-long war in its northern Tigray region has severely hampered efforts to fight one of Africa’s worst coronavirus outbreaks, as the fighting has displaced almost 1 million people and strained local humanitarian services to the breaking point.

Tens of thousands of those fleeing the conflict between Tigrayan and Ethiopian federal forces have crossed into neighboring Sudan, where countrywide virus numbers are also rising rapidly.

Sudan will not normalise with Israel until removed from US terror list

02 Dec 2020; MEMO:  Sudan has apparently told the US that it will not normalise relations with Israel until Washington removes the African country from the list of states which "sponsor" terrorism, the New York Times has reported. The interim government in Khartoum is said to have marked the end of this year as the deadline to be taken off the list.

10 political figures to be prosecuted for sending Sudan youth to fight in Libya

03 Dec 2020; MEMO:  Legal adviser to the Sudanese victims of the Emirati Black Shield Company Omar Al-Obaid announced on Tuesday that he is preparing to file regional and international lawsuits against ten prominent Emirati, Sudanese and Libyan personalities for human trafficking.

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