
Business & Economy

Concern at Trump attempt to bypass Congress to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia and UAE

27 July 2020; MEMO: Members on both sides of the US Congress are deeply “concerned” that President Donald Trump will bypass the legislature and sell weapons to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, the New York Times has reported. Both countries are deeply involved in the war in Yemen.

According to the NYT, US legislators are saying that several countries in the Middle East are seeking to purchase drones, including Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Indian Govt bans 47 more Chinese apps: Source

New Delhi, Jul 27 (PTI) The government has banned 47 more Chinese apps, taking the total number of mobile applications banned for being prejudicial to sovereignty, integrity and defence of the country, to 106, according to a source.

The source privy to the development said that the 47 additional Chinese apps that have been banned now were clones and variants of the apps which were blocked earlier.

Iran’s Non-Oil Exports To UAE Rise Eight Percent In Three Months

TEHRAN, July 27 (NNN-IRNA) – Iran’s non-oil exports to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), during the first quarter of the current Iranian calendar year, starting Mar 20, rose by eight percent in value year on year, Eghtesadonline reported Sunday.

From Mar 20 to June 20, Iran exported around 3.8 million tonnes of non-oil commodities worth 967 million U.S. dollars to the UAE, said Farzad Piltan, director general of Trade Promotion Organisation of Iran’s Arab-African Affairs Office.

Israel anti-government campaigners threaten to legally protest police use of water cannons

26 July 2020; MEMO: Israeli protest leaders calling for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s resignation announced their intention to petition the Supreme Court if water cannons are used against protesters, i24 News reported.

Protest movement leader and organiser Gonen Ben Yitzhak slammed the police for using the controversial control method, and said it was “far from harmless”

China imports more oil from Saudi than any other country in June

BEIJING (Reuters) - China’s crude oil imports from Saudi Arabia rose 15% in June from a year ago, as refiners ordered record volumes of the fuel in March and April when oil prices tumbled, cementing the kingdom’s position as the top oil supplier to China.

Imports from Saudi Arabia rose to 8.88 million tonnes in June, or 2.16 million bpd, in June, according to data from the General Administration of Customs on Sunday.

That was in line with May’s volumes, but well above 1.89 million bpd during the same period last year.

Staff leaving U.S. Chengdu consulate under high security as deadline looms

CHENGDU, China (Reuters) - Staff of the U.S. consulate in Chengdu made final efforts to clear the premises on Sunday as security remained tight outside, ahead of a Monday closure ordered by Beijing as China-U.S. relations continue to worsen.

A mini tourist atmosphere prevailed outside the facility on a tree-lined street on a hot Sunday, as onlookers shared sidewalk space with dozens of uniformed and plainclothes police opposite the entrance.

Sarraj discusses lifting Libya oil fields blockade with US ambassador in Ankara

25 July 2020; MEMO: Libyan Prime Minister Fayez Al-Sarraj discussed with US Ambassador to Turkey David Satterfield on Friday the lifting of the blockade on Libya’s oil fields.

This came during a meeting held by the two sides, according to a statement issued by the media office of the Libyan government.

Israel police arrest 55 anti-Netanyahu protesters

25 July 2020; MEMO: Israeli occupation police arrested on Friday at dawn 55 Israelis who took part in demonstrations against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, news agencies reported.

According to Israel Radio, thousands of angry Israelis took part in demonstrations staged near Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem, and many clashes erupted between them and police.

Saudi Arabia forces businesses not to trade with Turkey in effort to boost boycott

25 July 2020; MEMO: Saudi Arabia has been putting pressure on local businesses not to trade with Turkey and its industries in a bid to boost its unofficial boycott. The detention of trucks carrying produce from Turkey has raised tension between the two countries.

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