Human Rights

Black teen’s family laments sentence given to white officer

CHICAGO (AP) — The explosive video of a white Chicago officer shooting a black teenager 16 times shocked consciences around the world with footage of Laquan McDonald getting gunned down as he walked away from police.

The graphic images of McDonald crumpling to the street while bullets kept striking him stirred expectations that the officer might be convicted in the killing and pay a heavy price in prison time.

Wife of missing ex-Interpol chief claims asylum in France

19 Jan 2019; DW: Grace Meng's lawyer says she has formally requested refuge from French authorities as she is afraid she may be kidnapped. Her husband, Meng Hongwei, went missing in September after traveling to his native China.

The wife of the former Interpol chief being held in China on corruption charges has applied for asylum in France, her spokesperson has said.

US arrested Iranian journalist without charge

19 Jan 2019; DW: A US court order has confirmed that a journalist working for Iran's Press TV was arrested in connection with a probe into "violations of US criminal law." But Marzieh Hashemi has not been accused of committing any crime.

A US-born journalist working for Iran's state-owned international broadcaster has been arrested in the United States but has not been accused of any crime, a US court has confirmed.

30 Palestinians injured in clashes in eastern Gaza

GAZA, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) -- At least 30 Palestinians were injured in clashes on Friday between hundreds of protesters and Israeli soldiers stationed at the borderline of eastern Gaza Strip, according to Gaza medics.

At least 30 Palestinian demonstrators were shot and wounded by Israeli soldiers' gunfire during clashes in eastern Gaza Strip, said Ashraf al-Qedra, a spokesman of the Health Ministry in Gaza.

India: Ram temple will be constructed by 2025: RSS

New Delhi, Jan 18 (PTI) RSS executive head Bhaiyyaji Joshi has expressed confidence that the Ram temple will be constructed in Ayodhya by the time of next 'Kumbh' in 2025, the Sangh said in a statement on Friday.

In a bid to "contextualise" the comments, the RSS in a statement issued by spokesperson Arun Kumar said Joshi had made these remarks on Thursday at the ongoing Kumbh in Praygraj in Uttar Pradesh.

India: Entire north east burning because of Citizenship Bill

Kolkata, Jan 19 (PTI) Zoram Nationalist Party leader Lalduhawma on Saturday said the entire north east was "burning" because of the Citizenship Amendment Bill.

"If the bill was enacted ... , India will no longer be the place that it used to be ... so we want a secular government at the Centre, so that this bill was withdrawn or exemption must be given to the north east," he said at the opposition rally at the Brigade Parade ground here.

Kashmir: Mehbooba seeks separatist leader's release on humanitarian grounds

Srinagar, Jan 19 (PTI) PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti on Saturday sought the release of separatist leader Shahid-ul-Islam, who is in the NIA's custody, on humanitarian grounds as his wife was not feeling well.

The former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister spoke to Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh over phone after reports of Islam's wife having suffered a brain hemorrhage emerged.

'Thousands' more children separated from parents at US border

17 Jan 2019; AFP: Thousands more children were forcibly separated from their parents after illegally crossing the US-Mexico border from 2017-2018 than originally admitted by President Donald Trump's administration, an official report said Thursday.

The inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which was given responsibility for the children, said the total number separated under the administration's "zero-tolerance policy" toward illegal immigrants remains unknown.

Israeli military demolishes Palestinian home in West Bank

JERUSALEM, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) -- Israel demolished the home of a 17-year-old Palestinian who stabbed to death an Israeli civilian last September, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said Friday.

The apartment of the Palestinian killer, identified as Khalil Jabarin, was located in the village of Yatta in the southern West Bank, according to an IDF statement.

During the demolition, dozens of Palestinians hurled rocks at IDF soldiers who responded with riot dispersal means.

Spain rescues 472 migrants, some on inflatable rafts

MADRID (AP) — Spain’s maritime rescue service says it has saved 472 people who were trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea into Europe over the past two days.

The service says that 17 people, including one woman, were rescued early Thursday from two inflatable rafts like those used at beaches and swimming pools.

The spokeswoman, who wasn’t authorized to be identified in media reports, said that 455 migrants were rescued Wednesday — 124 in the Strait of Gibraltar, and 331 further east.

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