New York

UNGA adopts Pakistan-steered resolution on strengthening UN-OIC ties

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 22 (APP): The United Nations General Assembly Monday adopted by consensus a resolution, introduced by Pakistan, on cooperation with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), urging the UN system to enhance collaboration with the Jeddah-based body in areas of mutual interest.

Divided UN Security Council condemns North Korean missiles

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 22 (NNN-AGENCIES) — UN Security Council members slammed North Korea’s intercontinental ballistic missile launch Monday but stopped short of issuing a formal statement due to opposition from China and Russia, diplomats said.
   The United States, Britain, France and India were among 14 nations to “strongly condemn” Friday’s launch, which landed about 200 kilometers from Japan’s coastline.
   The missile appeared to be nuclear-armed North Korea’s newest ICBM with the potential range to hit the US mainland.

UN chief appoints new resident coordinator for Central African Republic

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Monday announced the appointment of Mohamed Ag Ayoya of Mali as the new resident coordinator for the Central African Republic.

The resident coordinator is the highest-ranking representative of the UN development system at the country level.

‘Momentous win’ for Pakistan COP27’s accord on Loss and Damage fund: Munir Akram

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 20 (APP): Pakistan’s UN Ambassador, Munir Akram, described as “momentous win” for Pakistan and the developing countries
Sunday’s agreement at COP27 Climate Summit in Egypt to establish Loss and Damage fund to help poor nations being battered by climate disasters.

“A momentous win for Pakistan and the developing countries,” Ambassador Akram said, when asked for comments by APP correspondent.

He called the agreement the “fruits of political clarity, unity, and perseverance.”

UN, EU express 'disappointment' over outcomes of COP27 in Egypt

20 Nov 2022; MEMO: The UN and European Union on Sunday expressed their disappointment over the final declaration of the UN Climate Change Conference or COP27 on reducing emissions, Anadolu reports.

"Our planet is still in the emergency room. We need to drastically reduce emissions now, and this is an issue this COP did not address," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said.

He described the decisions made by COP27, hosted by Egypt, as "clearly not enough" to cut emissions.

Highlighting Afghanistan’s humanitarian crisis, Pakistan calls for reviving Afghan economy

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 19 (APP): Pakistan has called for steps to end the deepening humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, saying that the country’s economy should be revived as a matter of priority.

“Our priority, first and foremost, is an end to the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan,” Ambassador Munir Akram told the United Nations Security Council “Arria-Fomula” meeting, while asserting that peace and stability in that neighbouring country was of “vital concern” to Pakistan.

US and Russia clash over responsibility for missile strike

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.S. and its Western allies clashed with Russia at the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday over responsibility for a deadly missile strike in Poland near the Ukrainian border, an event the U.N. political chief called “a frightening reminder of the absolute need to prevent any further escalation” of the nine-month war in Ukraine.

Trump's 2024 presidential bid a fresh wrinkle for markets

NEW YORK, Nov 16 (Reuters) - Former President Donald Trump's entry on Tuesday into the 2024 presidential race confirmed the world's "worst kept secret" and created another variable for markets that some investors say remains a low priority for now.

Trump, who has mounted relentless attacks on the integrity of U.S. voting since his 2020 election defeat, announced his bid at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, seemingly with the aim of pre-empting potential Republican rivals.

World's population just hours away from reaching 8 bln

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- The world's population is projected to reach 8 billion on Tuesday, Nov. 15, the United Nations (UN) reminded the international community on Monday.

It is "a milestone in human development," said the UN press release. "This unprecedented growth is due to the gradual increase in human lifespan owing to improvements in public health, nutrition, personal hygiene and medicine."

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