New York

World's population just hours away from reaching 8 bln

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- The world's population is projected to reach 8 billion on Tuesday, Nov. 15, the United Nations (UN) reminded the international community on Monday.

It is "a milestone in human development," said the UN press release. "This unprecedented growth is due to the gradual increase in human lifespan owing to improvements in public health, nutrition, personal hygiene and medicine."

UN agrees to ask ICJ opinion on Israel's West Bank occupation

12 Nov 2022; MEMO: The United Nations (UN) voted on Friday in favour of getting a legal opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian West Bank.

Nicaragua submitted the motion on behalf of the Palestinian Authority (PA), which does not have full UN membership.

Pakistan abstains on UNGA resolution voicing concern over volatility in Afghanistan since Taliban Takeover

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 11 (APP): Pakistan Thursday abstained on a UN General Assembly resolution that expressed deep concern over the volatility in Afghanistan since the 2021 takeover of the Taliban, and the persistent violence and presence of terrorist groups as well as abuse of human rights, including those of women, girls and minorities. saying that the text was “unbalanced and unrealistic”.

Terrorism intensifying across Africa, warns UN deputy chief

UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 10 (Xinhua) -- Terrorism is intensifying across Africa, exploiting instability and conflict, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed said on Thursday.

"Terrorists and violent extremists including Da'esh, Al-Qaida and their affiliates have exploited instability and conflict to increase their activities and intensify attacks across the continent," the UN deputy chief told the Security Council high-level debate on "Counter-Terrorism in Africa - an Imperative for Peace, Security and Development" on behalf of Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

USA: Sharp attacks on Trump from Rupert Murdoch’s news outlets

NEW YORK (AP) — Former President Donald Trump has taken some hits in the aftermath of the midterm elections, but the unkindest cuts may have come from a source that was once among his biggest backers — the media empire of magnate Rupert Murdoch.

The New York Post’s front cover on Thursday put Trump’s face over the drawing of a boy from a well-known nursery rhyme. The headline: “Trumpty Dumpty.”

“Don (who couldn’t build a wall) had a great fall — can all of the GOP’s men put the party back together again?” the newspaper wrote.

Pakistan regards nuclear safety, security as ‘national responsibility’: Amb. Aamir Khan

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 10 (APP): Pakistan told the UN General Assembly Thursday that it considers as a “national responsibility” the safety and security of its nuclear power plants and research reactors, which are under the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards.

UN Chief Voiced Concern Over Escalation Of Violence In Syria

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 10 (NNN-SANA) – UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, is greatly concerned by the recent escalation of violence in North-west Syria, including shelling and airstrikes, which has resulted in civilian deaths and casualties, in and around camps for internally displaced persons, in Idlib governorate, said a spokeswoman yesterday.

Guterres called on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and refrain from escalating the situation, said Stephanie Tremblay, an associate spokesperson for the secretary-general.

USA: Elon Musk sells $3.95 billion worth of Tesla stock

(AP) --- Twitter’s new owner and Tesla CEO Elon Musk has sold nearly $4 billion worth of Tesla shares, according to regulatory filings.

Musk, who bought Twitter for $44 billion, sold 19.5 million shares of the electric car company from Nov. 4 to Nov. 8, according to Tuesday’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

UN: Global press freedom advocate, RSF urges UN probe into Arshad Sharif’s murder

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 08 (APP): The Paris-based NGO devoted to press freedom, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Tuesday called for a United Nations investigation into the brutal murder in Kenya of the well-known Pakistani journalist, Arshad Sharif.

“The information currently emerging from the Kenyan wing of the investigation is contradictory, and all independent attempts to get information are met with a wall of silence,” said Sadibou Marong, the director of RSF’s sub-Saharan Africa bureau, according to the organization’s press release distributed worldwide.

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