Human Rights

Turkey condemns Israeli attack on journalist

06 Jan 2022; MEMO: Deputy Chairman of Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party, Numan Kurtulmus, yesterday condemned an attack carried out by a far-right Israeli against an Anadolu Agency cameraman, Faiz Abu Rmeleh, in Tel Aviv.

"I condemn this perfidious assault which shows the real face of the unlimited racist Zionist ideology in Israel," Kurtulmus said.

Israel advances plans for 3,557 new settlement units in occupied Jerusalem

06 Jan 2022; MEMO: The local committee for planning and construction of the Jerusalem Municipality yesterday approved plans for building 3,557 new settlement units in occupied Jerusalem, Peace Now revealed yesterday.

According to the Israeli NGO which monitors settlement activities, the construction of the new units forms part of five plans.

Palestine: Israeli Settlers cut down dozens of olive trees in West Bank to expand illegal settlement

06 Jan 2022; MEMO: Israeli settlers yesterday uprooted and chopped down more than a dozen olive trees in one area of the central occupied West Bank Salfit district, reported Wafa news agency.

Saleh Shunnar, the landowner based in the Kafr Al-Dik village, said that settlers from the illegal Israeli settlement of Alei Zahav uprooted 50 olive saplings after they razed a large area of his land to expand their illegal settlement.

India: 3 Kashmiris killed by Indian Sec Forces in Pulwama district of Indian Administered Kashmir

Jammu, 05 January 2022: Three Kashmiris were killed on Wednesday by Indian security forces in Pulwama district of the Indian Administered Kashmir, Indian officials said.

Indian security forces alleged that one of the insurgent was from the Pakistan side of Kashmir.

India: Hindutva's created website offers Muslim women for sale in virtual auction

04 Jan 2022; MEMO: The racism faced by India's monitories under the far-right ultra-nationalist government of Narendra Modi reached a new low after it emerged that Muslim women were being offered for sale in a fake virtual auction.

Several prominent Muslim women appeared on the auction website, Bulli Bai, which takes its name from a slur against Muslim women. The site was filled with profiles of dozens of Muslim women who were put up for sale.

Saied is taking Tunisia back to the era of secret prisons: opposition

04 Jan 2022; MEMO: The news of the arrest of the Vice President of the Ennahda movement, Noureddine Bhiri, has rekindled the controversy over the existence of "secret prisons" in the country, especially in light of the statements of Bhiri's defence team about putting him in one of the "secret prisons" that existed under the regime of former president, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, which is supposed to be closed for many years.

Palestine prisoner ends his 141-day hunger strike as Israel agrees on his release

04 Jan 2022; MEMO: After 141 days on hunger strike inside Israeli jails, Palestinian prisoner, Hisham Abu Hawash, reached a deal with Israeli occupation authorities that guarantees his release on 26 February.

The Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs Commission said in a statement that Abu Hawash ended his hunger strike after reaching a deal that would end his administrative detention on 26 February.

UK: 700,000 people sign petition calling for Blair to be stripped of his knighthood

05 Jan 2022; MEMO: A petition calling for former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair to be stripped of his knighthood has been signed by almost 700,000 people.

If the goal of one million signatures is hit, it will become one of the top signed petitions on the website.

Israel demolishes Palestinian health centre in Jerusalem

05 Jan 2022; MEMO: Israeli occupation forces yesterday demolished a Palestinian health centre serving 20,000 Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem without prior notice.

Municipality bulldozers raided the Jabal Al-Mukaber neighbourhood after police cordoned the area off and demolished the health centre.

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