Saudi Arabia

Yemen rebels claim drone attacks on Saudi oilfield

18 Aug 2019; MEMO: Yemen’s Houthi rebel group on Saturday claimed to have carried out drone attacks on oil facilities in southeastern Saudi Arabia, reports Anadolu Agency.

Speaking on the Houthi-run Al-Masirah television, rebel spokesman Yehia Sarie said the Shia group had launched ten drone strikes on Aramco’s Shaybah oilfield and refinery, close to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) border.

Chinese Light Rail Delivers 2.4 Million Trips In Mecca For Hajj Pilgrims

MECCA, Saudi Arabia, Aug 15 (NNN-SPA) – China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (CRCC), operator of the Mecca light rail, in the Hajj season in Mecca, completed this year’s pilgrimage transport service on Wednesday (yesterday).

During the seven-day operation, the total operation time was 156 hours, and more than 2.4 million trips were delivered safely and accurately.

Li Chongyang, vice general manager of CRCC, said that, the light rail system, originally planned to run 1,718 trains, actually ran 2,214 trains.

Q&A: The hajj pilgrimage and its significance in Islam

MECCA, (AP) --- Over 2 million Muslims from around the world are beginning the five-day hajj pilgrimage on Friday. They will circle Islam’s most sacred site, the cube-shaped Kaaba in Mecca, and take part in a series of rituals intended to bring about greater humility and unity among Muslims.

The hajj this year comes at a time of heightened sectarian and political tensions in the Persian Gulf and as Muslim minorities in China, Myanmar, India, New Zealand and other countries face increased threats, even attacks.

Saudi royal warns against ‘involvement in war with Iran’

5 Aug 2019; MEMO: A Saudi royal, Ahmed Bin Abdul Aziz, yesterday warned against “the kingdom’s involvement in a war with Iran.”

“I’d oppose the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman if he decided to join a US-British military alliance to confront Iran,” The New Khalij quoted Abdul Aziz as saying.

Saudi Arabia raises local fuel prices

15 July 2019; MEMO: Saudi Aramco announced, Saturday, that domestic gasoline prices will increase on Sunday, July 14.

The company said in a statement that the price for Octane 95 gasoline will be increased to SR2.18 from SR 2.10 last quarter and Octane 91 to SR1.53 from SR1.44 per litre.

Aramco, the world’s largest oil company, explained its decision citing plans to reform energy prices sold in the domestic market.

Saudi carrier Flyadeal withdraws order for grounded Boeing MAX

RIYADH, July 8 (Xinhua) -- Saudi Arabian budget carrier Flyadeal has withdrawn a preliminary agreement for an order of up to 50 Boeing's grounded 737 MAX jets, U.S. top aircraft manufacturer Boeing Company said on Sunday.

The Saudi carrier said in a statement on Sunday that it would operate only Airbus planes in the future, the German news agency dpa reported.

"We understand that Flyadeal will not finalize its commitment to the 737 MAX at this time given the airline's schedule requirements," a Boeing spokesman was quoted by the AFP as saying.

Saudi Arabia holds Iranian oil tanker in Jeddah

5 July 2019; MEMO: Saudi Arabia is holding an Iranian oil tanker in the port of Jeddah, sources in Tehran said yesterday. The tanker docked in Jeddah for emergency repairs following “engine failure and the loss of control” two months ago.

Now the Saudi authorities are demanding that Iran should pay $200,000 for every day that the vessel has been in dock, Russia Today has reported.

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