Saudi Arabia

Yemeni rebels attack Saudi airport using drones - TV

TASS, June 30: The Ansar Allah (Houthi movement) backers have attacked the airport of the cities of Jizan and Abha in Saudi Arabia using drones, Al Masirah TV channel reported on Saturday.

The Houthis said that military facilities and hangars located at the airports had been targeted by the strikes. According to the rebels, the air traffic was suspended at the airports.

Saudi Aramco: We can maintain oil flow in case of attack on Strait of Hormuz

26 June 2019; MEMO: Saudi Aramco’s CEO Amin Nasser said the company has the expertise and infrastructure it needs to maintain the flow of crude oil in the event supply is disrupted through the Strait of Hormuz.

“We are increasing our readiness. We can supply through the Red Sea and we have the necessary pipelines and terminals,” Nasser said in an interview in the South Korean capital Seoul, published by Bloomberg yesterday.

Yemen's Houthi rebels strike Saudi airport

24 June 2019; DW: Yemen's Houthi rebels attacked Abha airport in southwestern Saudi Arabia, killing one person and injuring seven others, the kingdom's official media outlet SPA said Sunday.

Houthi rebels said earlier that they had launched drone attacks on airports in Abha and Jizan, both near the border with Yemen. Saudi media made no mention of an attack in Jizan. 

Saudi Arabia launches special residency scheme for expats

23 June 2019; MEMO: Saudi Arabia launched on Sunday their new special residency scheme similar to green card systems applicable in other countries, aimed at attracting wealthy and high-skilled expats, reports Reuters.

The residency scheme offers two types of residencies, a permanent one for 800,000 Saudi riyals ($213,321.96) and a one year but renewable residency for 100,000 Saudi riyals ($26,665.24).

Saudi Arabia demands 'decisive' response to Gulf oil tanker attacks

16 June 2019; DW: Saudi Arabia on Saturday called for a "swift and decisive" response to threats to energy supplies in the region following twin attacks on oil tankers in the Gulf.

On Twitter, Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih restated the importance of stability in the energy supply chain and oil trading markets, along with consumer confidence.

He described the twin attacks on tankers off the coast of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman earlier this week as "terrorist acts."

Saudi Arabia to probe Halal disco

15 June 2019; MEMO: Saudi General Amusement Committee has opened an investigation into the alleged Halal disco whose videos went viral on the internet, Al-Shorouq newspaper reported on Friday.

The Committee said that this event known as Protect X was held in Jeddah without a license and it was held in violation of the existing rules.

According to a statement posted on twitter, the Committee said that the organisers obtained a license for something else, but they carried out this “unacceptable” activity.

Jeddah Season festival, tourist visa in 3 min

12 June 2019; MEMO: Visitors can obtain a tourist visa to Saudi Arabia within three minutes after purchasing an online ticket to the Jeddah Season festival, organisers of the 40-day long event have said. This online visa process aims to boost tourism to Saudi Arabia as part of the kingdom’s recent social and economic reforms.

Indian Embassy in Saudi organises 'Gandhi cycle rally for peace'

Dubai, Jun 7 (PTI) A first of its kind 'Gandhi cycle rally for peace' was organised by the Indian Embassy in Saudi Arabia on Friday as part of the celebrations to mark the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

Over 150 participants from all walks of life, cultural and ethnic identities participated in the cycle rally organised in the Saudi capital Riyadh and remembered Mahatma Gandhi and relevance of his message of peace on the occasion, the Indian Embassy tweeted.

European Muslim ask Saudi Arabia to release preachers instead of executing them

4 June 2019; MEMO: European Muslims have called on King Salman bin Abdulaziz to grant amnesty to three preachers currently awaiting execution. News reports suggest that the preachers, Salman Al-Awdah, Awad Al-Qarni, and Ali Al-Omari, could be put to death at the end of Ramadan.

The call came at the European Muslim Forum, held in the city of Sliema, in Malta, on Sunday.

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