New York

3.9 mln people in Mali need humanitarian help: UN

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- A surge in inter-communal violence is worsening humanitarian conditions in Mali and 3.8 million people there need humanitarian assistance, spokesman for United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, said Friday.

The number of people needing humanitarian assistance has increased by 22 percent since the beginning of the year, and currently one in five Malian people is dependent on international aid for survival, Stephane Dujarric told a regularly briefing.

Yes, stocks are up again. No, recession worries aren’t gone

NEW YORK (AP) — The U.S. economy is sending some worrying signals about a possible recession, yet the stock market has gone on a what-me-worry ride toward record heights.

What gives?

Put simply, while the stock market watches the economy, the two don’t always move in lockstep. If investors see that companies are still bringing in profits, and stocks don’t appear too expensive, they’ll risk an investment even if the economy hasn’t gotten an all-clear on the recession watch.

Pakistan calls for UNSC to demand end to curfew, rights violations in Kashmir

UNITED NATIONS, Sep 13 (APP): Pakistan has called on the UN Security Council to demand an end to India’s repressive military lockdown of occupied Kashmir, now in its second month, and move to implement its resolutions pledging the right of self-determination to the long-suffering Kashmiri people.

“This travesty must end,” Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi said in a firm tone during a UN General Assembly debate on the annual report of the 15-member Council on Thursday.

US Congress members warned against attending Modi’s rally at Houston, Texas

NEW YORK, Sep 12 (APP): With India’s military crackdown continuing unabated in curfew-bound Jammu and Kashmir, Human Rights Watch, a prominent international watchdog body, has cautioned members of the U.S. Congress against participating in a rally in Houston, Texas, on Sept 22, which is being organized by Indian-Americans to welcome Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

UN chief denounces Netanyahu’s plans to annex parts of West Bank

UN, September 12. /TASS/: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Wednesday expressed his concern about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s campaign vow to occupy parts of the West Bank.

"The Secretary-General is concerned by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s statement declaring his intention, if elected, to annex the Jordan Valley and northern Dead Sea as a first step to applying Israeli sovereignty over all settlements and other areas in the occupied West Bank," the spokesman for the Secretary-General said in a statement.

Pakistan calls for strengthening of UNMOGIP after India’s ‘illegal’ actions, LoC breaches

UNITED NATIONS, Sep 11 (APP): Pakistan has urged the United Nations Security Council to explore the possibility of strengthening the UN Military Observer Mission in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP), which monitors the Line of Control (LoC) in Kashmir, as New Delhi’s revocation of the disputed state’s special status has heightened tensions between the two South Asian neighbours.

UN supports "credible, inclusive" presidential election in Afghanistan: envoy

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- The UN envoy for Afghanistan on Tuesday voiced support for the relative Afghan parties to conduct a "credible and inclusive" presidential election slated for later this month.

Tadamichi Yamamoto, the special representative of the secretary general for Afghanistan, described the election as "another step in strengthening the foundation of a representative democratic political system" in the country.

Even for Trump, it’s been a busy stretch of media attacks

NEW YORK (AP) — Even for a president who has made attacks on the media routine, the past few days have seemed turbo-charged.

Within five days, President Donald Trump has tweeted a video of the CNN logo bursting into flames, asserted that two Washington Post reporters should be barred from the White House and got into a tweetstorm with singer John Legend and his wife, model Chrissy Teigen after an MSNBC program on criminal justice reform.

U.S. consumers complain about new tariffs on Chinese goods: importer of garlic, ginger

NEW YORK, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- A 20-30 percent rise in the price of basic cooking ingredients like garlic and ginger across the United States, which stemmed from the administration's trade friction with China, has earned heavy complaints and doubt about the government's trade policy, a garlic and ginger importer told Xinhua recently.

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