New York

‘Education is under fire in Afghanistan’: UNICEF

UNITED NATIONS, May 28 (APP): Militant attacks on schools in Afghanistan increased almost threefold last year, making it increasingly difficult to ensure education for children in many parts of the country, according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

According to a report released Tuesday, there were 192 attacks on schools in 2018, up from 68 in 2017.

2020 preview? Feud between Trump and Biden flares up

NEW YORK (AP) — Democrats won’t pick their nominee for another year, but President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden are acting like the 2020 presidential contest is already a two-man race.

Almost completely ignoring his 23 Democratic competitors , Biden has been laser-focused on Trump — particularly his embrace of racist rhetoric. But it has been Trump’s recent focus on Biden that has surprised both his allies and critics, who believe the Republican president may be unintentionally elevating someone whose candidacy is barely a month old.

Tariffs on China to "hit home for every American," warn U.S. industries

NEW YORK, May 26 (Xinhua) -- Kevin Cheung, vice president of a New York-based clothing firm, recently twisted his ankle and is steadily recovering from an intense burning sensation on it.

Yet there are no signs of easing of the "slow burn" that his company, Lisa International, has suffered since the United States initiated tariff disputes with China last March.

Bank CEO pleads not guilty in bid to get Trump post

NEW YORK (AP) — A banker who prosecutors say tried to buy himself a senior post in President Donald Trump’s administration by making risky loans to former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort pleaded not guilty Thursday to a financial institution bribery charge as his lawyer said he’s done nothing wrong.

Stephen M. Calk, 54, was released on $5 million bail after making a brief appearance in Manhattan federal court.

US Retailers, shoppers could feel more pain if tariffs spread

NEW YORK (AP) — An escalating trade war between the U.S. and China could mean higher prices on a broad array of products from toys to clothing. But some retailers will be less equipped to handle the pain than others, leaving consumers to carry the load.

Analysts say big box giants like Target and Walmart who marked their latest quarter with strong performance are best positioned to absorb the higher costs because of their clout with suppliers. They’re also taking a judicious approach to price increases to lessen the impact.

Michael Avenatti charged with defrauding Stormy Daniels

NEW YORK (AP) — Michael Avenatti, the attorney who rocketed to fame through his representation of porn star Stormy Daniels in her battles with President Donald Trump, was charged Wednesday with ripping her off.

Federal prosecutors in New York City say Avenatti used a doctored document to divert about $300,000 that Daniels was supposed to get from a book deal, then used the money for personal and business expenses. Only half of that money was paid back, prosecutors said.

New York puts Democrats a step closer to Trump tax returns

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — New York lawmakers gave final passage to legislation Wednesday that would allow President Donald Trump’s state tax returns to be released to congressional committees that have, so far, been barred from getting the president’s federal filings.

The Democrat-led Senate and Assembly both approved the measures Wednesday, sending them to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat. A spokesman has said the governor supports the principle behind the legislation but will review the bill carefully before deciding whether to sign it.

Trade tensions, policy uncertainty continue to hinder economic growth

UNITED NATIONS, May 21 (Xinhua) -- The global economy is experiencing a broad-based growth slowdown amid unresolved trade tensions, high international policy uncertainty, and softening business confidence, according to the United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) mid-2019 report, released Tuesday.

The growth outlook in all major developed economies and most developing regions has weakened due to a confluence of both domestic and external factors, according to the report.

NY moves to ensure Trump pardons can’t nix state charges

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — A presidential pardon won’t be enough to clear someone associated with the commander-in-chief of similar state charges under legislation approved by New York state lawmakers Tuesday.

The bill, which now moves to Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo, revises the exceptions to the state’s double jeopardy law in an effort to ensure the state’s ongoing investigations into the Republican president and his associates can’t be derailed by a White House pardon.

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