
Extradition hearing begins for top Huawei exec in Canada

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) — The first stage of an extradition hearing for a senior executive of Chinese tech giant Huawei started in a Vancouver courtroom Monday, a case that has infuriated Beijing, caused a diplomatic uproar between China and Canada and complicated high-stakes trade talks between China and the United States.

Canada’s arrest of chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of Huawei’s founder, in late 2018 at America’s request enraged Beijing to the point it detained two Canadians in apparent retaliation.

Extradition hearing for Huawei executive begins in Canada

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) — The first stage of an extradition hearing for a senior executive of Chinese telecom giant Huawei begins Monday in a Vancouver courtroom, a case that has infuriated Beijing, set off a diplomatic furor and raised fears of a brewing tech war between China and the United States.

Canada’s arrest of chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou, the daughter of Huawei’s legendary founder, in late 2018 at America’s request shocked Beijing.

Canada to give $25,000 to 57 families of plane victims

18 Jan 2019; MEMO: Canada will give $25,000 to each of the families of the 57 victims of Flight PS752 that was shot down inadvertently by Iran, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced at a press conference Friday, Anadolu Agency reports.

As he spoke, Canada’s Foreign Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne and his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif were in a face-to-face meeting in Muscat, Oman.

Canada says black boxes from Iran crash should be sent to France

OTTAWA, Jan 18 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau urged Iran to send the flight and cockpit data recorders from a crashed jet to France for analysis and said the first remains of victims should soon arrive back in Canada.

Trudeau told a news conference in Ottawa that France was one of the few countries with the ability to read the plane’s so-called black boxes, which he said were badly damaged.

Iran says it shot down the Ukrainian airliner last week by accident. A total of 176 people died in the disaster, of which 57 were Canadian.

Canada PM: US to be blame for Ukraine plane accident in Iran

14 Jan 2019; MEMO: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said today that victims of a Ukrainian flight that crashed in Iran would still be alive if the US hadn’t triggered tensions in the region.

In an interview with Global television, Trudeau suggested America’s assassination of Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani had brought about the tensions in the region, and the subsequent response from Tehran to target a US military base in Iraq.

Trudeau cites US ratcheting up tensions with Iran in plane's downing

14 January 2020; AFP: Victims of an Iran-downed jetliner would still be alive if not for a recent escalation of tensions partly triggered by the United States, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Monday.

"I think if there were no tensions, if there was no escalation recently in the region, those Canadians would be right now home with their families," Trudeau said in an interview with Global television, according to a transcript shared with other media.

Canadian officials accidentally push nuke alert to millions

TORONTO (AP) — People throughout the Canadian province of Ontario awoke Sunday to a cellphone alert warning them of an “incident” at a nuclear plant just east of Toronto — only to later be told the message was a mistake.

The message, which was transmitted throughout the nation’s most populous province, was accompanied by a shrill emergency broadcast noise. It said an unspecified event had occurred at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. There was no abnormal release of radioactivity, it added, and people did not need to take protective action.

Canada's Trudeau wins plaudits at home as Iran admits causing crash

EDMONTON, Alberta (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s diplomacy was vindicated on Saturday when Iran admitted that it accidentally shot down a Ukrainian airliner as Trudeau had suggested, and his handling of the incident may increase support at home, Canadian political observers said.

The crash on Wednesday killed 176 people, including 57 from Canada. Iran insisted for days that it did not down the plane, but Trudeau said on Thursday he had received intelligence that suggested it did.

Huawei exec can be extradited to US, Canada attorney general says

Montreal, Jan 11 (AFP/PTI) Canada's Department of Justice said a Huawei executive arrested in Vancouver could be extradited to the United States, because her offense is a crime in both countries, according to documents released Friday.

Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou, who was originally detained on a US warrant in late 2018, faces an extradition hearing in Vancouver that begins on January 20.

The United States accuses Meng of lying to banks about violating Iran sanctions.

Canada's Trudeau says he wants full investigation into plane crash

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, responding to Iran’s statement that a missile shot down a Ukrainian airliner this week, said on Saturday that his government sought a full investigation and full cooperation from the Iranian authorities.

All 176 people on board, including 57 Canadians, were killed in Wednesday’s crash after take-off from Tehran. Canada had said for several days it believed the plane was downed by an Iranian missile, but until Saturday Iran had denied this.

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