Human Rights

Russia's UN envoy warns about fake chemical weapons attack being prepared in Syria

THE UNITED NATIONS, November 5. /TASS/. Terrorists acting in close cooperation with the White Helmets non-governmental group plan to fake a chemical weapons attack near the Syrian city of Idlib, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya told the UN Security Council session on Monday.

Mosques want Geert Wilders banned from Twitter for hate speech

6 Nov 2018; DW: A federation representing more than 100 mosques in the Netherlands has called on Twitter to block the account of anti-Islam populist Geert Wilders. The group says it will take legal action if the platform fails to act.

The Turkish Islamic Cultural Federation (TICF) has sent a formal request to Twitter demanding that Dutch firebrand politician Geert Wilders be banned for inciting hatred.

Fox, NBC and Facebook turn down Trump ad deemed racist

NEW YORK (AP) — NBC, Fox News Channel and Facebook all said Monday they will stop airing President Donald Trump’s campaign advertisement that featured an immigrant convicted of killing two police officers.

CNN had rejected the same ad, declaring it racist.

Asked before leaving for campaign rallies if he thought the advertisement was offensive, Trump said, “a lot of things are offensive. Your questions are offensive a lot of times.”

Turkey: Saudi investigators worked to remove evidence

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Members of a team from Saudi Arabia sent to help Turkish authorities investigate the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi worked instead to remove evidence of the slaying, a senior Turkish official said Monday.

The official confirmed a report in Turkey’s Sabah newspaper that an 11-member team of Saudi investigators that arrived in Turkey nine days after Khashoggi was killed to take part in a joint Turkish-Saudi probe included experts on chemistry and toxicology who were reportedly charged with obfuscating the evidence.

Khashoggi killing: sons ask Saudis to return his body

Washington, Nov 5 (AFP) The sons of murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi have asked Saudi authorities to return the body of their father so the family can properly grieve, they told CNN in an interview aired Sunday.

Khashoggi was killed inside the kingdom's consulate in Istanbul by a team sent from Riyadh on October 2, a murder Turkey's president said was ordered from "the highest levels" of Saudi Arabia's government.

India: #MeToo: Assam policewoman accuses IPS officer of sexual

Guwahati, Nov 5 (PTI) A senior Assam police official is the latest to be caught in the ongoing #MeToo storm after he was accused of sexually harassing his junior colleague.

Majuli (HQ) Additional Superintendent of Police Leena Doley has charged Additional Director General (Law and Order) Mukesh Agarwal with sexual misconduct six years back.

Agarwal could not be contacted for his reaction.

Israel eases restrictions on Gaza to avoid escalation in violence: analysts

GAZA, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- The easement of Israeli restrictions on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip aims at preventing the explosion of the situation in the Palestinian enclave, according to Palestinian analysts.

In recent days, the 2 million population in Gaza have witnessed a significant improvement in power supplies after Israel allowed the shipment of the Qatar-funded industrial fuel for the operation of the sole power plant in the territory.

Israel also expanded the fishing area to nine nautical miles and improved the functioning of the border crossing points.

German FM calls neo-Nazi murders ‘disgrace’ for country

BERLIN; 4 Nov 2018; AA: Germany’s foreign minister has called for continued investigation into the shadowy neo-Nazi terrorist group NSU, which killed nine immigrants between 2000 and 2007.

“It’s a disgrace for us that the right-wing extremists could continue their killing spree for such a long time,” Heiko Maas wrote on Twitter on Sunday, on the seventh anniversary of the exposure of the killers on November 4, 2011.

Israeli forces raid Jerusalem governor’s office

AL-RAM, Palestine; 4 Nov 2018; AA: Israeli forces on Sunday raided the Jerusalem governor’s office in the occupied West Bank, according to local residents. 

“An Israeli force stormed the governor’s office in the town of al-Ram, northeast of Jerusalem, and searched it,” a local resident told Anadolu Agency. 

He said Israeli soldiers assaulted a number of employees inside the office. 

Restrictive rules keep millions of Americans from voting

AFP: Millions of Americans will be barred from casting ballots in Tuesday's crucial midterm elections due to electoral rules at the state level, which effectively exclude many minority voters to the detriment of Democrats.

Here's a look at states where these restrictions could impact the poll's outcome.

- 1.5 million Floridians disenfranchised -

Nearly six million Americans are excluded from voting because they are imprisoned, on parole or awaiting sentencing.

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