New York

Munir Akram takes over as Pakistan’s ambassador to UN

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 02 (APP): Munir Akram, an expert at multilateral diplomacy, Friday took over as Pakistan’s ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations.

Ambassador Akram flew in from Islamabad earlier in the day. He replaces Maleeha Lodhi, who upon the completion of her tenure on Thursday left New York for home.

Trump may face fight over planned move from NYC to Florida

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump a Florida man? Not so fast.

Despite a stinging “good riddance” tweet from New York’s governor, the president’s home state may not let him go to Florida without a fight.

Trump’s plan to shift his permanent residence to Palm Beach will likely be heavily scrutinized by New York state officials, who are notorious for auditing wealthy residents seeking to flee to lower-tax states to make sure such moves are real and not just on paper. Those cases can go on for years.

U.S. judge to reconsider house arrest for Giuliani associate charged in Ukraine-linked case

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A judge is expected on Friday to consider whether an associate of U.S. President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, should remain under house arrest while he awaits trial on charges of illegally funneling money to a pro-Trump election committee and other politicians.

A lawyer for Igor Fruman, a Belarus-born businessman, is scheduled to appear before U.S. District Judge Paul Oetken in Manhattan to argue that his client should be allowed to move more freely. Fruman, who lives in Florida, is not expected to appear.

At UN, Pakistan urges rules-based world order that strengthens non-proliferation regime

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 31 (APP): Pakistan has called for evolving a rules-based, equitable and non-discriminatory international order to promote nuclear disarmament that strengthen the non-proliferation regime by shunning double standards.

Russia rejects proposals to modernize Vienna Document

UNITED NATIONS, October 31. /TASS/: Russia rejected the Western nations’ proposal to modernize the OSCE Vienna Document on Confidence and Security-Building Measures, Russia’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Geneva office, Andrei Belousov, said.

"We confirm our negative attitude to the idea of modernizing the Vienna Document. Even a technical reissuing of it makes no sense amid confrontation and NATO’s course to restrain Russia," Belousov told the UN General Assembly's First Committee on Wednesday night.

Situation in Burundi remains tense: UN envoy

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 30 (Xinhua) -- The situation in Burundi remained tense in the past four months, said Michel Kafando, the UN secretary-general's special envoy for Burundi, on Wednesday.

"It is important to note that in many respects, the situation in Burundi remains tense. During the period under consideration (between June 14 and Oct. 15, 2019), there has been an increase in political intolerance and infringement upon civic and political freedoms," Kafando told the UN Security Council in a briefing.

Pakistani envoy makes impassioned plea to UN to protect Kashmiri women: Maleeha gets applause in Security Council for her role

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 30 (APP): Pakistan’s outgoing Ambassador, Maleeha Lodhi, Tuesday made an impassioned plea to the UN Security Council to “safeguard and protect” the suffering women in curfew-bound Indian Occupied Kashmir, with the chamber bursting into applause when she also announced that it was her last appearance in the 15-member body.

Democratic hopeful Warren vows to bar corporate giants from hiring ex-officials

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contender Elizabeth Warren said on Tuesday she would bar large corporations and major government contractors from hiring former senior government officials for at least four years, filling in more details of the anti-corruption platform that has driven her campaign.

UN voices concern over safety of civilians in NE Syria

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 28 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations on Monday voiced deep concern over the safety and protection of civilians in northeast Syria following reports of sporadic fighting, a spokesman said.

Some 106,000 people remain displaced of the over 180,000 previously reported, said Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

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