New York

Pakistan reaffirms support to curfew-bound Kashmiris at ‘Black Day’ event in New York

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 28 (APP): Pakistan’s commitment to the “just” struggle of the Kashmiri people for their U.N.-recognized right of self-determination is “unflinching and steadfast”, Pakistani Consul General in New York Ayesha Ali told a gathering of Kashmiri and Pakistani community members on Sunday.

‘Black Day’ marked in New York by strong support voiced by OIC for Kashmiris

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 27 (APP): OIC officials and a top Saudi diplomat voiced strong support for the Kashmiri people in their struggle for their UN-pledged right to self-determination at a special event held in New York to mark the 72nd anniversary of India’s massive invasion and occupation of Kashmir, known as “Black Day.”

UN expert slams India’s unresponsiveness to queries about rights abuses in Kashmir

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 26 (APP): A United Nations (UN) human rights expert has criticized India’s inadequate responses to her communications about wide-ranging abuses, including killings, in Indian Occupied Kashmir and vowed to keep the pressure on New Delhi.

At the same time, Special Rapporteur Agnes Callamard told a press conference that experts at the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Right (OHCHR) could have only a limited impact on the situation in occupied Kashmir.

Cricket star Sana Mir honoured with Asia Society’s top award

NEW YORK, Oct 25 (APP): Leading Pakistani cricketer Sana Mir and six other trailblazing women from Asian countries were honoured with the 2019 Asia Society Game Changers award at a glittering ceremony here on Thursday night in recognition of their transformative impact in Asia and beyond.

“Sana Mir is first and foremost a true champion in her field, she’s also a champion for millions of girls and young women on the field and off,” Ambassador Chan Heng Chee, Asia Society Co-Chairperson, said while presenting her with the award.

Chinese UN envoy calls for greater humanitarian aid across Syria

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 24 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Thursday called for greater humanitarian assistance throughout Syria, lifting economic sanctions and promoting the return of refugees and displaced persons.

The Syrian crisis has dragged on for many years and must be addressed in a holistic and integrated manner, Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, told the Security Council in a meeting on the situation in the Middle East.

Pakistan urges UN’s ‘corrective action’ as Indian occupation denies Kashmiris their basic rights

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 24 (APP): Pakistan has told the United Nations that the people in Indian Occupied Kashmir, who are under a military lockdown for nearly three months now, continued to be denied their basic human rights, and urged the world body to take the necessary “corrective action.”

“The situation remains a blot on our collective conscience, and demands immediate corrective action,” Pakistani delegate Qasim Aziz said in speech to the General Assembly’s Third Committee, which deals with social, humanitarian and cultural issues.

UN pushing for human rights, gender equality & saying ‘no’ to hatred of any kind: Guterres

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 24 (APP): The United Nations is saying a firm “no” to hatred of any kind and will continue to focus on the real problems of people, “amid stormy global seas,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said.

“We are pushing for human rights and gender equality — and saying ‘no’ to hatred of any kind,” Guterres said in his message to mark the 74th UN Day on Thursday.

The secretary-general said the UN will continue to remain focussed on people’s real problems “at this time of turbo-charged change”.

Maleeha briefs top UN official on grim Occupied Kashmir situation, belies Indian claims

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 23 (APP): A senior Pakistani diplomat has told a top UN official that India’s “false and malevolent” claims of having destroyed three alleged camps across the Line of Control (LoC) in the disputed Kashmir region were given the lie when Pakistan took Islamabad-based foreign diplomats to the LoC on Monday.

Chinese envoy refutes U.S. groundless accusations on China's human rights

UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 22 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese envoy on Tuesday refuted the "groundless accusations" on China's human rights by the United States and a few other countries.

"The United States and a few other countries, in their old habits, have made attempt to use human rights to interfere in China's internal affairs, which China totally rejects," Zhang Jun, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, told the UN General Assembly's Third Committee, also known as the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee.

UN mission head says risk of genocide recurring in Myanmar

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The head of a U.N. fact-finding mission on Myanmar warned Tuesday that “there is a serious risk of genocide recurring” against the estimated 600,000 members of the Rohingya Muslim minority still living in the country.

Marzuki Darusman told the General Assembly’s human rights committee that “if anything, the situation of the Rohingya in Rakhine state has worsened,” citing continued discrimination, segregation, restricted movement, insecurity and a lack of access to land, jobs, education and health care.

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