New York

More white supremacist propaganda showing up on US campuses

NEW YORK (AP) — Colleges in the U.S. are seeing more racist rhetoric on campus, a new report finds.

Instances of white supremacist propaganda showing up on college campuses trended higher in the recently completed academic year, according to the Anti-Defamation League report published Thursday.

That follows a major spike in documented cases of white supremacist fliers, stickers, posters and other material in the 2017-2018 academic year, the hate watchdog group said.

And it’s only getting worse.

UNGA moves Security Council reform to next session as disagreements persist

UNITED NATIONS, Jun 27 (APP): The UN General Assembly has adopted, by consensus, a decision to continue the long-running negotiations to reform the Security Council during its forthcoming 74th session, with positions among member states remaining divergent on key issues .

UN commemorates 74th anniversary of signing of UN Charter

UNITED NATIONS, June 26 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations on Wednesday commemorated the 74th anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter, with a symbolic ceremony for the signatures of the ambassadors of its member states.

Chairing the commemoration, UN General Assembly President Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garces praised the 50 founders of the world body as hard-headed leaders, "who weighed the downsides of compromises against the benefits of cooperation and the heavy cost of war."

Pakistan announces fresh support to UN agency that assists Palestinian refugees

UNITED NATIONS, Jun 26 (APP): Pakistan reaffirmed its dedication to the Palestinian cause at the 2019 pledging conference for the cash-strapped UN agency that assists Palestinian refugees by announcing a fresh commitment of financial support.

“The international community must not fail the Palestinian people,” Ambassador Maleeha Lodhi told the pledging event for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) held at UN headquarters in New York on Tuesday.

UN envoy says South Sudanese' desire for peace palpable, urges politicians to respond

UNITED NATIONS, June 25 (Xinhua) -- The UN envoy for South Sudan said Tuesday that the South Sudanese's desire for peace is palpable and urged the country's politicians to respond to it.

UN Secretary-General's Special Representative for South Sudan David Shearer told the Security Council that "the desire for peace is palpable and there is a fierce aversion to any renewal of fighting."

The strong desire for peace is echoed in results of a Perception Survey carried out by UNMISS, the UN peacekeeping mission that Shearer leads in the country.

Moscow's envoy to UN reaffirms Russian forces in Syria strike only terrorist targets

UN, June 26. /TASS/: The Russian forces in Syria strike only terrorist facilities identified as such by intelligence data, Russia’s UN envoy, Vasily Nebenzya, said during a UN Security Council session to discuss the situation in the Middle East.

The Syrian government troops and the Aerospace Forces of Russia "conduct strikes that target only terrorist facilities, confirmed as such by intelligence data," he said.

Trump opponents turn the Mueller report into an art form

NEW YORK (AP) — Liz Zito is a multimedia artist so immersed in the Mueller Report that she wrote fan fiction to fill in the parts that were redacted by the Justice Department. When she worried that other Americans didn’t know about the findings of special counsel Robert Mueller, she found her own way to make them accessible: A “performative reading” in downtown Manhattan.

USA: Cardi B pleads not guilty to new charges in strip club brawl

NEW YORK (AP) — Grammy-winning rapper Cardi B was arraigned Tuesday on new felony charges in connection with a fight last year at a New York City strip club.

“Not guilty, sir, honor,” said the rapper dressed in a dark blue and light pink pantsuit with her hair tinted blue as she pleaded in state court to two counts of attempted assault and various misdemeanor charges, including harassment, criminal solicitation, conspiracy and reckless endangerment.

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