Human Rights

India: WB assembly passes anti-CAA resolution, demands its repeal

Kolkata, Jan 27 (PTI) The West Bengal Assembly Monday passed a resolution against CAA brought by the state government demanding that the contentious citizenship law be repealed forthwith and NPR and the proposed NRC be withdrawn.

Speaking on the resolution, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said the Citizenship Amendment Act is "against the Constitution and humanity".

India: Sharjeel Imam to be produced in Delhi court on Wednesday

New Delhi, Jan 29 (PTI) Anti-CAA activist Sharjeel Imam, who was arrested by the Delhi Police's Crime Branch from Bihar's Jehanabad in a sedition case, will be produced in the Patiala House court on Wednesday, police said.

Imam was arrested on Tuesday for making allegedly inflammatory speeches at the Jamia Millia Islamia University here and in Aligarh. He reached Delhi on Wednesday and will be produced in the Patiala House court the same day, they said.

EU to assess Trump’s Mideast peace plan: top EU diplomat

BRUSSELS, Jan 29 (NNN-Xinhua) — The European Union (EU) will study and assess the U.S. Middle East peace plan announced by the U.S. President Donald Trump, said Josep Borrell, EU high representative for foreign affairs and security policy, in a declaration.

The top EU diplomat pledged the EU’s “firm and united commitment to a negotiated and viable two-state solution”, reaffirming the EU’s readiness for resuming negotiations between Israel and Palestine.

Jordanians Hold Sit-In Against Trump’s Mideast Peace Plan

AMMAN, Jan 29 (NNN-XINHUA) – Dozens of Jordanians held a sit-in near the U.S. embassy in Amman, on Tuesday night (last night), in protest against U.S. President, Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan.

Chanting slogans against the United States, the protesters said, the deal is doomed to fail, as it fails to ensure the Palestinians’ legitimate rights.

“We are here to express our rejection to Trump’s deal … It opens the door for Israel to annex more Palestinian territories,” Salem Hasan, one of the protesters, said

Turkey Says Trump’s Mideast Peace Plan “Stillborn”

ISTANBUL, Jan 29 (NNN-ANADOLU) – The Turkish Foreign Ministry, said that, the peace plan announced by U.S. President, Donald Trump, to end the conflict between Israel and Palestine, is “stillborn.”

“This plan is an annexation plan, aiming to destroy the two-state solution and seize Palestinian territories,” the ministry said, in a statement.

“Palestinian people and the land of Palestine cannot be bought off,” it added.

Palestinian expats hail Malaysia’s call to defend Jerusalem

28 Jan 2019; MEMO: The Popular Conference of Palestinians Abroad has praised the Malaysian parliament’s call to activate parliaments around the world for the sake of defending Jerusalem and the Palestinian cause, Safa news agency has reported.

The Speaker of Malaysia’s parliament, Dato Mohamad Arif Bin Muhammad Yousef, has called on parliamentary counterparts in countries all over the world to defend Jerusalem from Israel’s Judaisation plans.

Palestine’s Abbas refuses to take calls from US’ Trump

28 Jan 2020; MEMO: Palestinian Authority (PA), PLO and Fatah President Mahmoud Abbas yesterday refused to answer a call from US President Donald Trump, Anadolu reported yesterday.

Senior aide of Abbas, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Anadolu that Trump had attempted to speak with Abbas on the phone several times over the past few days, but the Palestinian president refused to take his calls. Abbas’ aide did not give more details.

Al-Aqsa Imam calls for united strategy to confront US ‘deal of the century’

28 Jan 2020; MEMO: The former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem called on Monday for the Palestinians to stand united and develop a “clear strategy” to confront the US “deal of the century”.

“It is no secret that [the “deal of the century”] is not in our favour in any way, and we would be naive if we do not realise that it is in fact a creation of the Zionist lobby with an American veneer,” explained Sheikh Ekrima Sabri. “If we all reject the deal, then where is the strategy to block it and prevent its implementation?”

Germany seeks UN resolution to enforce Libya ceasefire

28 Jan 2019; MEMO: Germany on Monday urged UN Security Council members to adopt a resolution on Libya to stop continuing military attacks and violations of arms embargo in the war-torn country, Anadolu Agency reports.

Speaking at a news conference in Berlin, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas deplored violations of the cease-fire despite pledges made by conflict parties and regional actors at the Berlin Conference on January 19.

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