Human Rights

India: Man held for killing wife over dowry in UP

Ghaziabad, 29 May (PTI) A resident of Mewla Bhatti village here was arrested for allegedly killing his wife over dowry demand, said police Wednesday. Four of his family have also been booked.

Raids were being conducted to nab them, said police.

SP (Rural) Neeraj Kumar Jadaun said Nikita (22) was found dead in a bathroom of her house on Monday morning.

Barr in Alaska to talk Native violence, not Mueller remarks

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Tribal representatives in Alaska told U.S. Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday that rural Alaska Natives suffer from multiple public safety problems, including no law enforcement presence in multiple villages, substance abuse and alarmingly high rates of violence and sexual assault.

Barr is at the start of a four-day visit to Alaska. Among his first actions in the visit, Barr heard from Alaska Natives Wednesday who participated with him in an Alaska Native justice roundtable in Anchorage.

USA: Trial begins for border activist who helped migrants

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — A border activist being tried in a federal court for helping two migrants with water, food and lodging last year only intended “to provide basic human kindness,” his lawyer told jurors Wednesday.

Defense attorney Greg Kuykendall also said in his opening statement that prosecutors must prove his client intended to break the law to be found guilty in the case.

Scott Daniel Warren was arrested in 2018 when Border Patrol agents found him at a property used to provide aid to immigrants in Ajo, Arizona.

Florida Cabinet meets in Israel despite illegality complaint

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Gov. Ron DeSantis and the independently elected Florida Cabinet met in Israel on Wednesday, waving away complaints that the session violated open-government laws because it was held outside the state. They presented a proclamation of support for Israel and heard from Israelis on several issues important to Florida.

3 Morocco bodies call for protests against US’ ‘deal of the century’

Three Moroccan associations today called for a sit-in in front of parliament on Friday to protest efforts to pass the US’ “deal of the century” on the settlement of the Palestinian issue.

In a joint statement, the National Action Group for Palestine, the Moroccan Association for the Support of the Palestinian Struggle and the Moroccan Commission for the Support of the Nation’s Issues said that the stand will be organised under the slogan “the option of resistance and confrontation of normalisation”.

Egypt arrests Al Jazeera journalist again

29 May 2019; MEMO: Egyptian authorities decided Tuesday to launch a new investigation and re-arrest an Al Jazeera journalist who was ordered released by a court last week after two-and-a-half years in detention, reports Anadolu Agency.

Mahmoud Hussein release was initiated Saturday and he was brought to Giza Police Station for release from Tora Prison, his family said in a statement.

Iran dismisses US rhetoric, monitoring US change of stance

Tehran, May 28, IRNA – Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said on Tuesday that Iran is indifferent to US rhetoric, monitoring US change of stance.

Addressing his first press conference, Abbas Mousavi said that US needs to give up rhetoric and alter its approach and behavior.

Asked about the statement made by US president Donald Trump in Tokyo indicating shift in the US stance, he said that Tehran will decide based on what is observed in the region.

Kushner meets Moroccan king on trip to press US peace plan

29 May 2019; AFP: US President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner met Morocco's King Mohammed VI on Tuesday in Rabat as part of a fresh push on a long-promised but yet-to-be-delivered peace plan for the region.

The trip -- which will also include stops in Amman and Jerusalem -- comes amid a flurry of other administration moves to shore up alliances with Arab allies against Iran and the deployment of warships and bombers to the region.

Facebook, Twitter delete 'fake' accounts originating in Iran

29 May 2019; DW: Several fake social media accounts spreading messages in support of Iran have been removed from Facebook and Twitter. The deletion of the accounts came after an investigation by internet security firm FireEye.

Facebook and Twitter said on Tuesday that they have deleted fake accounts impersonating political candidates and journalists used as part of a pro-Iran social media campaign.

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