Human Rights

No breakthrough for far-right in European election

31 May 2019; DW: Support for extremist parties remains limited, with signs of protest voting around single issues.

Italy’s deputy prime minister, Matteo Salvini, said this week that "Europe is changing." The leader of the far-right League party hailed the results of elections to the European Parliament, referring to the success of parties led by France’s Marine Le Pen and Britain’s Nigel Farage as well as his own.

Reward for serving Indian Army: Kargil veteran declared foreigner, detained

Itanagar; GANASHAKTI: A retired Army officer in Assam has been detained and sent to a detention camp after a Foreigners' Tribunal declared him a foreign national.

Md Sana Ullah, a resident of Guwahati, was detained from his house in Satgaon by the police on Tuesday after the Tribunal at Boko passed the order declaring him as a foreigner and sent him to detention camp.

Ullah spoke to Reuters as he was being taken into a police vehicle to be sent to the detention centre in the town of Goalpara. He said he felt heartbroken.

Authorities: Army vet thought Muslims among people in crash

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — An Army veteran who served in Iraq ran his car into a crowd of pedestrians in California because he believed two of the people looked like they were Muslim, authorities said Thursday.

The disclosure came as prosecutors filed two hate crime allegations against 34-year-old Isaiah Peoples.

He is also facing eight counts of attempted murder after police said he deliberately plowed his car into people on April 24 at the Sunnyvale crosswalk and showed no remorse afterward. The hate crime allegations carry up to six additional years in prison each.

Zuckerberg security chief accused of misconduct

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s personal security chief faces accusations of sexual misconduct and making racist and homophobic comments, according to a report Thursday by a business news site.

In a detailed article, Business Insider cited legal letters reportedly written by former employees of Zuckerberg’s household staff. The letters reportedly described pervasive discriminatory conduct and severe levels of sexual harassment and battery, including racist and homophobic comments about members of Zuckerberg’s staff and his wife, Priscilla Chan.

Tiananmen veterans look back on movement’s mistakes, passion

BEIJING (AP) — Wu’er Kaixi was among the most outspoken of the student leaders during the 1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests, famously reproaching then-Premier Li Peng at a meeting broadcast on national television.

Three decades on, he’s more circumspect but remains just as harsh a critic of the Communist regime and just as committed to bringing democracy to China.

Julian Assange’s letter from UK’s Belmarsh prison

WikiLeaks founder was arrested on 11 Apr 2019 at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he was granted refuge since 2012. He has been in Belmarsh prison serving 50 weeks skipping bail. The UN working group on arbitrary detention said it was a “disproportionate sentence” for what it described as a “minor violation”.

China accuses US of 'naked economic terrorism'

30 May 2019; AFP: China accused the United States of "naked economic terrorism" on Thursday as Beijing ramps up the rhetoric in their trade war.

The world's top two economies are at loggerheads as trade talks have apparently stalled, with US President Donald Trump hiking tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods earlier this month and blacklisting telecoms giant Huawei.

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