Human Rights

Butina has been transferred from Alexandria jail, says attorney

WASHINGTON, May 11. /TASS/: The Russian citizen Maria Butina, who is currently serving a prison sentence in the US for espionage, has been transferred from the jail in Alexandria, Virginia, where she has stayed until now, her attorney Robert Driscoll told TASS on Friday.

"I have contacted the prison authorities, she is not there. Where she has been transferred is anybody’s guess so far," he said.

The US Federal Bureau of Prisons told TASS earlier that Butina would stay at a detention center in Alexandria, Virginia, and would be released from custody on November 5, 2019.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards reject talks with US after Trump offer

10 May 2019; MEMO: Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said on Friday Tehran will not negotiate with the United States and denied any US attack was likely, a day after US President Donald Trump urged talks and said he could not rule out a military confrontation, Reuters reported.

U.S. crafting surrender plan, not peace deal: Palestinian FM

UNITED NATIONS, May 10 (APP): The United States is crafting a surrender document, not a peace plan, and the Palestinians will not accept it regardless of how much money is offered, Palestine’s Foreign Minister Riyad al Maliki has said.

Maliki was addressing an Arria-formula meeting of the UN Security Council at which the United States’ Middle East peace negotiator, Jason Greenblatt, was present ahead of the release of the US plan aimed at ending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Masses facing difficulties courageously along with their captain: Firdous

ISLAMABAD, May 11 (APP): Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan Saturday said that people of Pakistan were facing difficulties with courage and determination along with their captain.

In a tweet the SAPM said that the goal of Prime Minister Imran Khan was permanent treatment of the cancer spread in the system.

She said that the development of strong autonomous institutions, eradication of corruption, poverty and inflation and development of backward areas were top priorities of the government.

NATO airstrike kills 10 Talibans in E. Afghanistan

SHARAN, Afghanistan, May 11 (Xinhua): A total of 10 Taliban militants were killed after a NATO-led coalition forces' pilotless plane struck a Taliban hideout in Afghanistan's eastern province of Paktika overnight, local police said Saturday.

"The strike was conducted in Mangarreet locality of Barmal district, killing 10 militants and destroying a militant's vehicle," Shah Mohammad Aryan, provincial police spokesman, told Xinhua.

No civilian was hurt following the sortie in the province, 155 km south of the country's capital Kabul, the source added.

Pompeo's Europe trip comes up short both on schedule and in substance

BRUSSELS, May 10 (Xinhua): U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has for the second time this week canceled part of his travel plans in Europe, cutting short a trip that was supposed to shore up U.S. commitment and ties with traditional allies. Instead, he left a trail of disagreements that dogged the transatlantic relations.


Pompeo's first stop was about the Arctic, where the Arctic Council for the first time in 23 years did not issue a declaration that would also act as a guideline for the next chairing country.

Dialogue between civilizations crucial to world peace, says Greek president

ATHENS, May 11 (Xinhua): Dialogue between different civilizations is important for world peace, Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos has said.

"Global peace depends on the dialogue between civilizations," Pavlopoulos told Xinhua ahead of his state visit to China on May 12-16, during which he will also attend the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations (CDAC) in Beijing.

The president said that his country sees the CDAC as the best opportunity to underline how great the value of dialogue between civilizations is.

Heavy airstrikes, shelling target rebel positions in Syria's Hama, Idlib

DAMASCUS, May 11 (Xinhua): Heavy airstrikes and shelling targeted rebel positions in the northern countryside of Hama province and the nearby countryside of Idlib province on Saturday as part of an ongoing Russian-backed campaign, a war monitor reported.

The Russian and Syrian warplanes started the 12th day of escalation with airstrikes and ground shelling on rebel positions in northern Hama and the southern countryside of Idlib, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

The Britain-based watchdog group said that the airstrikes renewed after midnight Saturday.

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